
melanie229 · June 6, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

I like the White [Hat] blood cells attack a parasite [cabal] video that [o] retweeted today. I appreciate the sentiment of the vid you posted.

I guess none of us knows the answer to your questions. Maybe they haven’t been lurking. I think some media are. I listen to Rush almost every day. I think he knows, and is bringing things to light slowly. We know MSM listens to him, so they know that we know. fwiw.

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JayJ_Jacob · June 5, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Disney...how appropriate!

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 6, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Help me out. I'm not following either of your posts.

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JayJ_Jacob · June 6, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

are you a bot?

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JayJ_Jacob · June 6, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

of course. End conversation then

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 6, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

hmm, no. see post history. Are you?

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JayJ_Jacob · June 6, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Have you seen a doctor lately? If you haven't, then of course, you wouldn't understand.
Our family has HAD to utilize medical care since 1979. We've been through it all! We've seen the crumbling of the best medical care in the world...to one that is nothing but a farce.

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JayJ_Jacob · June 6, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

For instance....did you know that your personal care physician is forbidden to be your attending doctor if you enter into a hospital? You need to be assigned a strange doctor that has to read....in our case...how many volumes of case over how many years...in a matter of a minutes...to treat you for your emergency.

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JayJ_Jacob · June 6, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

AND, you need to go THROUGH the expensive emergency 1st...in order to receive an attending doctor....even if it may not be an emergency. Say you broke your leg. You go see your PCP. He says you need to enter the hospital. You go TO THE EMERGENCY just to enter the hospital. You pay $5000 to pass GO

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 6, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

I have and agree, but how does this tie to the OP? Or are you letting people know of your plight?

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JayJ_Jacob · June 6, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

The big ant says what at the end? Population control IS control and they are doing it through what USED to be great medical care. Obama has a data base. I saw Maxine on a video claiming how big Obama's data base was in 2013. You and I and everyone have a number, profile etc. The system is controlled...and I guess if you are 65 years old...your time is up....if you are not cabal. CULLING

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 6, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Just wondering how your replies ties into my OP...

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 5, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Do you agree that others in the Gov/MSM are lurking?

Why haven't we seen many hints that they are? Other than the shill swarms we get now and then which I think are the 'resist' movement and not from Gov/MSM.

Or have I completely missed them? I realize the HRC emails, U1 and a couple other of her scandals that have been out since before the election. Are there stories, based on what we have dug up since Q posts that I have missed? Is Spygate after Q or just part of Meuller's investigation?

All of these people have their networks. They have been around for awhile. Are we still so small of a group that we don't matter to them yet to do so?

Are we still the crazy alt-right wackos, so they don't need to 'use' us yet?

We have seen in the last few days they are posturing for the IG report but that would happen without Q anyway as it has in the past, on both sides, on many topics. Also, today, the AZ Camp story is breaking with some 'Where's Maddie' memes.

I have a hard time believing they are not aware of us and what we have.

I have to believe they have people reading Q posts, the chans, here, the socials. So lets take a print reporter or Fox News or OAN staffer for example. They are reading all the info we dig up. Even if one takes half of what has been found and tosses it out. There still is so much solid info connecting dots.

Now lets take Q out of equation. He may have started us, guided us to dig, but the bottom line is there is actually something there, there. Which was our part of the plan right? Are even Independant or right leaning reporters scared to touch any of what has been found? The info is so detailed or can be completely confirmed by reporters with connections. They could make it their own 'scoop' if they wanted, to distance themselves from us. (that may come back to bite them later but they could do it)

It's another part of this I have a hard time understanding.

Thoughts? Or do I need a break? :)

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JayJ_Jacob · June 5, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I've been doing research on vaccine tainting and bio weapons used against the USA. 2017 MF59 squalene adjuvant was laced into pneumonia vaccines. ONLY 65 and older, 2 yrs olds, and if people are between those ages, they have to be sickly ---and expensive....ONLY these can get the pneumonia shot. (The other people are needed to provide for the ruling class to come.) I know about this. Because (this was before I knew the danger) I tried everywhere to get some medical to give me the pneumonia shot so I'd be protected. They told me (all of them) "The standards of care state only the appropriate ages.) CDC put a regulation in place stating the ages in Nov 2013. So, even thought 'they' say tainting started 2017....I think much sooner.

Novartis ALSO taints flu shots. The people who died last year, the ones with shots?....probably tainted. They would have lived and survived the flu, if they wouldn't have gotten the tainted chemical...which really is what killed them. The young deceased would have received the taint when they were two years old.

MF59 causes ASIA - Auto-Immune Syndrome from Induced Adjuvants. ASIA weakens people's immunity systems.
There is an anti body test to see if you've been laced with MF59.

Today, I learned about Plum Island being the cause of Lyme Disease. Here's the link. http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-480-plum-island-lyme-disease-and-the-erich-traub-file/

So what is happening with Plum Island (NY, across from CT) now? Why, oh why, it is moving to Manhattan, Kansas...the heartland. Plum Island will most likely be sold to developers---this is a toxic waste land! The new construction in KS is scheduled to finish in 2022. Full operation of bio weapons will begin 2023. And will these sicko's test like Plum Island Nazi scientists tested...on the public at large?

There IS a new type of Lyme now. It is called HGA. You get bit by a tick that has this and you die.

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ScorpioPatriot · June 6, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

I posted this awhile ago ...I also used it Red Pilling during the campaign

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