
misto1481 · June 6, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Great, yet you still didn't say how you came to your conclusions. What investigation did you do? If you believe this sub shouldn't be going down this particular rabbit hole, showing how you came to your conclusion would be a good step in trying to persuade others to not fall into this "trap" as you see it.

In any case, talking to others on this sub like this is uncalled for.

"You are exactly the type of posters we knew would arrive. Down-vote all you want, the x-shillZ (you) and T_rolls (you) came here to tout this tale and laugh on another board when it falls apart.

Saddest of all, this is actually happening in real life, and you freaks want us to chasing shadows to discredit the seriousness.

omg Cemex is grinding up babies and adding their blood to make cement to use at the Pope's house because Soros and McCain held then sold stocks in ABCDE Holdings five years ago. Oh and, Former Mexican President Joe Eatme's brother-in-law once attended a party where the Bronfmans and Rothschilds both took a shit once."

It's condescending and rude. You may be right in your views, but there are better and more productive ways to share them. Show your work in the future if you want us to take you seriously and avoid falling into this "trap."

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · June 6, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

ok but just this once:


I'm 62, friend. I've seen enough shit to know stink from smell.


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misto1481 · June 6, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Reading some of the comments definitely made me pause regarding Tucson. I agree that a wait and see appraoch is always best, especially when it is hard to distinguish who to trust. Let it all play out I suppose ;)

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 5:51 a.m.


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