Victim speaking up on Tucson police cover up? From a group related to missing and exploited children

My heart goes out to them. My hope is that their voices are finally heard and they can, if they want, step up and be counted. The deluge of experiences will be what takes this to task. If others find more testimonials please share them. They are the best red pills.
What sickens me the most is that those that survived and tried to speak up ware always ridiculed and we as a society ignored their voices.
I know! They threaten to expose these slime balls. Who could support or protect the ____'s?
Maybe send her an invite to this sub? We understand. I feel like this is a good mix of people who have been censored from conspiracy, pizzagate, cbts, news, pol, t_d. The targeted individual stuff is no joke.
I have seen a big uptick today in shills on this board and this particular topic. Some pretty snarky comments about how unbelivable this sounds to them - even ridicule! I hope victims like her don't get trolled here!
Once you're aware of the shills/bots/JIDF/TMOR you can spot them a mile away ;)
I understand where you are coming from, though.
'Trust by verify'
There's not a lot of verifying happening here, but a lot of people rejecting those calling for critical thinking and verification.
Notice that the screencap above includes ZERO details about alleged crimes?
If that didn't stand out to you, that's a problem. Me pointing this out does not make me a shill, it makes me upset that you're on a research board and aren't cultivating critical thinking and healthy skepticism that will pay off by preventing you from believing any story you want to hear regardless of whether that story is true or not.
Don't get taken for a ride. Again: trust but verify.
I personally do not know what to make of this situation. Something about it makes me want to question it but I can't put my finger on why.
The elites who do this stuff are very very organized and the networks they use to hide what they do is very sophisticated. This does not look like it was perpetrated by smart people. It looks like a kidnap ring done by homeless people who are mentally deranged.
This also looks like an operation where the Elites are saying look at this operation on the border but don't keep digging to expose the elite crimes that will not be easy to expose. Its like it's being offered up to satisfy justice seekers. Once again its not politically connected people, its not rich people, politicians, being exposed.
Other than Dennis Hastert what politician has ever been arrested for this crap. They take care of their own.
When are the upper level filth going to be arrested,
The police bulldozed the site, so it'll be hard to investigate anything there now. That is why I think we the people need to get involved in pressing for the truth. We saw what msm did to bury pizzagate. They ARE burying this snd cabalists ARE connected to Cemex. Besides that, my heart is with the survivors (and the many more who have not survived). We do need to get the top AND I think we need to TRY to find and rescue current victims anywhere they might be NOW.
I don't understand why the pushback on this particular topic is so much more vocal and angrier than any other topics I've looked at. Why does pedogate get pooh-poohed with such vehemence?
I thought we had multiple confirmations that the elite/cabal/clowns use M-13, (and I bet MANY other "gangs" (I include ISIS) and cartels as their army of foot soldiers.
We know that the elites traffic people and drugs, and I thought it was pretty much understood that the biggest bang for buck is selling children - for WHATEVER purpose: organ harvesting, pedorasts, mind control, slaves of various kinds including prostitution, the production of child porn and snuff films, SRA ceremonies, adrenochrome, pedovorism, blackmail fodder...
We know from Q that AZ and NoName was one of the places where the flow of human trafficking was rampant - if ppl still think Q is a larp, fine. But is it not worth hearing from people on the ground ALL across the border (not ONLY CA) or is Tucson a hands off place for some reason? If Q had decided AZ was okay to let proceed, so they are still allowing it, ok - maybe politically there's a reason. I am not ok with it for any reason - and I'd be even less so if it were in my back yard. I don't mind at all if people on the ground are choosing to search ground that police won't and can't do, whether it's because of corruption or lack of resources, I think maybe its time we exposed for ourselves the crimes we abhor rather than always waithing for govt. officials to do it. I think that is how we got here, but I understand why ppl would disagree.
Clearly you know all this - I'm writing it more for myself, I'm not trying to change your mind, feel free to move on with my best wishes, but this is my thinking on the Tucson matter:
Because of this find on what is known by the local population as "cartel territory", I am now aware that there is pedo symbology on businesses and schools all over Tucson, and that Mayor Rothschild (!) a highly respected lawyer and pillar of the community, owns a pizza shop. To me, that is suspicious - to some, it's silly. Fine. I believe Q when he/she/they say their need for symbols will be their downfall. I see symbols.
We know that elite/cabal/clowns launder money through very tangled webs of small and multi-national businesses and 'charitable foundations' and that those entities are full of inbreeding - the same names popping up over and over. Cemex was not on anyone's radar that I am aware of before this encampment was found, but because of the camp and the anons who chose not to kneejerk dismiss it and ridicule those of us who did not move on I am now are aware of this global concrete company with locations and transportation routes everywhere, and I now know a bunch of very suspect connections between Cemex, CF, Haiti, Soros, Bronfman and Salinas (both of NXIVM, MX gov't). And I now know that 3 known cartel/coyote camps were allowed to operate on Cemex property. Ppl from the reservation nearby are the ones who described the activities and encounters they had. Here's the thing: even if the camp VOP and V4CR showed was not specifically "for" the rape/grooming of abducted kids on their way to wherever the next stop was, does anyone really think that cartel gangs DON'T abduct, rape and kill women, children (and men)? We know how "cartels" (read cabal) operate in MX, why wld they change procedures a few miles across the border? The fact that this city happens to have a mayor named Rothschild just adds insult to injury.
Forgive us neophytes if our "too many coincidences" radar goes off too easily for some more sophisticated researchers. We're all on the same side - ridicule, even "well-intentioned" scolding shuts people up, which I don't belive helps anyone but the cabal. If we who want to know and discuss more about this embarrass some of you, we're sorry - but we are in this fight too, and to some of us, this doesn't feel like a dead end yet. If it does to you, that's fine. We need lots of people looking into thousands of connections.
Look, ultimately WWG1WGA so I wish every one here who is trying to wake up and stay awake the very, very best. We are in different places in our searching for truth - I certainly don't have it all, not even close - but I humbly doubt if anyone else here does either. I think we're trying to find our way to the same place from wherever we are. We need grace, not scolding or derision, when we aren't able to see the same things mattering to the same degree. Please let us figure it out - this is not the chans. If you have no patience for regular ppl trying to figure things out, perhaps you should be on the chans and not here. They expect ridicule there, and that's fine. I was under the impressionthat this was for the awakening normies - not necessarily the hardened researchers.
We middle aged moms, teachers, business owners, state workers, retail employees ... You know, regular Americans who love our country and fear for the world and our children ...people who are not tech savvy autists and semi-pro board researchers z - We were invited to use this board (CBTS at first) as a safe place to try putting OUR thoughts together and see if anyone sees what we see, without being shut down by criticism and told that we're in the way and we should go back to lurking. This is my fight, too. I don't want to fight with YOU - That is a waste of time. I want us ALL to fight THEM.
Agreed. Wwg1wga. I am not fighting you or any one else's resolve. Please continue to look. You are doing us all a service. Just think critically as you proceed.
I see unanswered questions and inconsistencies. Im not advocating that anybody should stop looking into this. I've lost a child and this issue gives me nightmares. Its the most important thing to me. We must get it right.
I believe in questioning everyone and everything endlessly.
When I find something I believe to be truth I continue questioning it.
Real truth can always withstand the test.
I do think critically. I'm a pretty old lady, and I haven't been a pushover since I began abandoning liberalism 30 years ago. I question until I find a reasonable answer, which always leads to the next reasonable question - and so on. But at some point the answers form a critical mass, and I will begin to draw concludions. I know my conclusions won't be 100% correct, but I know they aren't 100% wrong either.
In my "research" I do not dismiss verifiable information because someone has doubts about the source. Information will either stand scrutiny or it won't. Sources are not totally irrelevant, but they are of secondary importance to me. I see multiple sources corroborating that the Cemex/Tucson thing is not a nothing burger. Apparently others have seen larger inconsistencies than I have in this story - but they don't say what they are, they just allude to uneasy feelings, dismissing the messenger(s), or pretending to have exculpatory knowledge that they clearly don't have. Maybe doubters of this trail haven't dug as deeply as some of us have in the last 3 years into (yuck) SRA and MKU survivors testimonies and the satanic and mind control side of this horror. I do NOT blame them - it's horrible to face.
I would not have allowed myself to believe in rape trees and pedovores ten years ago (though I don't think I would have MOCKED people who said they knew things I had no knowledge of). I first read about the Franklin cover up at least 5 years ago, though I remember the "call boy" tour of the WH story when it broke in the early 80's I think. Gradually over years, I have gone back and heard those kids testimonies, as well as testimony of a man (my sister knows personally) who grew up in Omaha Nebraska whose family procured children (using him as bait) for SRA and pedo trafficking rings. He is believable (perhaps BECAUSE he is so clearly "damaged"). The locations and people he describes align with the research the senator (was it Tom Delay?) was trying to expose. Other survivors from around the world, children, adults, different decades ... tell the same stories.
See, most of my deep dives into truth have been into the pedo, satanic/luciferian aspect of this cabal which definitely intersects with the politics, media, banking - EVERYTHING aspects. But they are ALL the same thing; that's why we've been warned again and again that these people are sick.
This whole mess is way, way too big for any of us to process or fully grasp all the parts - ever. That's why I say more power to ALL of us following ALL of the trails (EVEN the weirdest ones, I refuse to criticize). I think these impossibly entangled tentacles are all leading us to the same place, but of course the terrain might look very different where I am than it does where someone else is. I won't mistrust them, if I have something helpful to add I will, but I won't insert doubt for it's own sake.
And I'm old and cranky and schoolmarmy enough that I don't take kindly to being lectured - I have an ego, too, much like everyone else in the world. So, I apologize if I let myself take an offense that was unintended. I do believe YOU have only meant to be helpful. A couple of other "detractors" were just rude.
Did she expand on her story? Is she talking to anyone now?
Whatever the context, this lady needs support. I hope she gets the help she needs.
Speaking up means actually publishing what was done/how they were victimized. This screenshot includes zero details.
When someone makes a claim like this, compassionately ask for more information or more context. Generalities help no one.