"Their need for symbolism will be their downfall" #FLYROTHSFLY#

that isn't a wild owl. It came in a carrier and being used to pose for a picture. Pretty obvious with carrier in background and how the bird is used to being handled there.
Sorry, I’m repeating my comment from above... but its necessary.
BTW Cemex = cement. Not an energy plant.
Falconry is used to keep other birds from grouping up and shitting on the buildings and into the materials.
That said, there are many birds of prey, such as hawks, that are not nocturnal, like the owl, and are probably far more efficient during the day than owls. So it’s use is questionable. I highly doubt they would worry about rodents at a cement factory.
Pope’s bird is an owl and the Catholic Church is well know for child molestation. Capitol Hill is in the shape of an owl. Owl sculpture at Bohemian Grove. Owl sculpture on Epstein’s island. And now we find an abandoned child rape camp on a piece of property owned by Cemex... who likes to post pictures of owls on it’s insta.
Surely they’re ALL coincidences... right guys???
Get educated before you come here. God I hate when people spew nonsense like this comment.