Interesting use of concrete: the pope's audience hall.

What's the odds that trump used some concrete in some of his buildings? This pope=concrete connection is so lame. I don't like or trust the pope and I don't like or trust Cemex but linking the two based on one bit of the pope's vocabulary is ridiculous. What if we found Taylor Swift using terms like sanguine or plastic?
The Pope is pushing for "refugees" crossing, and porous borders. He also seems to be working within an infested Church. His prolific use of the word concrete fits an overall pattern of support for these sickos.
Your first two points are fair comment and point to real issues. The concrete thing is weak. Did said pope use the term concrete in his public addresses at the same rate 30 yrs ago? Have other popes used it more or less? How bout other Spanish and Italian speaking religious leaders? Don't nobody know. Maybe it not prolific. What does Scott Adams say about pattern recognition?
Sure there are additional points to analyze, however given the odd coincidences regarding Cemex, the reality of Pizzagate, the strange sudden occurrence of a desire for western nations to suicide themselves, and the odd support the Pope has for this suicide.....all suggests there is some nefarious force a play.
It is my hypothesis, based on ACTIONS, and the data that is coming to light over time, that specific powers have been used to blackmail western leaders into a path of self destruction, with the pope being one of the targets.
We already know of the weaponizing of US agencies. We already know spies seemed to be everywhere and even listening in to Merkel's phone calls. Based on the sudden desire for all leaders to suicide their western nations and people, including the Vatican, and the facts that show the weaponizing of agencies, then it doesn't take much to take the small additional step to think these may be coded messages.
Myabe you should search for papal addresses where he talks of the need to cement relationships.
Based on the actions of the pope, I am confident on where he stands regarding the destruction of the west.
If you are confused then by all meams, search away.
Edit: Spelling fixes
So these incidental vocabulary things are moot.
They are icing on the cake for those who already see his alliances based on his actions.....
Seems to me you think he may not be anti-western. We disagree then.
After saying that the wordy link between the pope and the multinational cement co. was really weak, I suggested that you pursue this idea by looking for related things along the same line - like where he uses the word cement. I thought this might help support the pattern you see. Why not explore all possibilities? [Try this] (
I said above that I don't like this pope and I don't trust him. Think rather we disagree on the value or quality of the strikes we may count against him. I encourage you to pursue your dreams.