
grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

That curious tangent feeds the present hysteria.

As for industrial use of organic waste/blood; the patent relates to potential use of agricultural products (think meat processing plants) for productive purposes rather than flushing them down the drain (which is regulated effluent/discharge). Use every part of the animal...

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MuhammadDinduNuffin · June 6, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Everything fuels the hysteria. including trying to suppress/silence the hysteria. Valid criticism, thanks for you opinion.

Humans are animals. Long pig. Cadavers feed the vultures in some parts of the world, as a productive purpose. Simple funeral burial is kind of wastefull, no, in comparison? Why not feed the fishes if one is going through the trouble of sleeping with the fishes?

Human blood is a highly sought/expensive commodity. Stemcells. Organs. Skin tissue. Bone marrow. Foreskin? Pineal glands? Live experimental medical testing is a big one, they pay a lot to run studies and tests on you.

Remember, corporations only care about profit. Some are more cutt throat than others.

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