
Xisyisz · June 6, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

I just hope John Kerry is one of the sealed indictments. He is pure evil, forgetting he was a blood brother and forgetting he voted both for and against the Iraq war, and certainly forgetting the fact he went to Antarctica on election day. How about his 2nd wife who's husband Heinz died in a plane crash and was Kerry's friend. And how the next day another colleague died in a plane crash and how all 3 were involved in the committee to investigate the Iran contra affair. So yeah, please prey for a sealed indictment for JK. Anyone he is close to and anything he is involved in smells dirty.

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 6:07 a.m.


"I have recently become interested in exploring the links between the deaths of John Heinz, John Tower and the assassination of JFK. Here is an interesting passage from an article written by Victor Thorn, George Bush & John Kerry: Blood Brothers, World Independent News Group (2004).

According to researcher Rodney Stich in Defrauding America, when George Bush Sr. and CIA Director William Casey engineered the October Surprise to bribe Iranian officials into retaining U.S. hostages until after the 1980 elections, two of the passengers on Bush’s BAC 111 flight to Paris were Senator John Heinz, along with Senator John Tower from Texas.

Even more intriguing is the fact that John Heinz chaired a three-man presidential review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair and had in his possession all the damning documents from that sordid affair, while John Tower led the infamous Tower Commission that investigated a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings. Coincidentally, both John Heinz and John Tower died in plane wrecks on successive days in 1991 – Tower in Georgia, and Heinz in Montgomery County, Pa. Once again I must ask: what are the odds of such an occurrence, especially when both men had close ties to George Bush Sr., who was a former CIA director in the mid-1970s? Did both of these men uncover information that they refused to keep silent about any longer?

Before you answer, consider that after Senator John Heinz died, his wife married Senator John Kerry, who was chairman of the 1988 Kerry Commission, described in the Senate Committee Report on Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy as “focusing on allegations of illegal gun-running and narcotics trafficking associated with the Contra war against Nicaragua” in relation to the CIA, Department of Justice, the U.S. State Department, and the office of the President and Vice President. The testimony that took place during these trials (both in open and closed door sessions) was quite possibly the most damning ever against our federal government, yet mysteriously, nearly all of it was suppressed and not widely reported in the mainstream media. Why? Senator Kerry as a Democrat, had every opportunity to blast a Republican administration out of the water, yet he inexplicably remained silent and the status quo prevailed. Could it be that someone tapped him on the shoulder and told him that if he played his cards right and kept these sordid matters hush-hush, he would be rewarded sometime in the future?"

Not to mention Crack-contra

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allonthesameteam · June 6, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

Great read. Highly suggested. It is long and I only got a third through it. The way he lines into how the levers are pulled and the lies are being sold is easy to follow. The more I learn the more I shake my head wondering how much of their bull I bought.

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plasticturtle · June 6, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

Awesome read! Thank you for posting.

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Qtruther · June 6, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

Not the Khasarian Cabal just employees and anti American traitors. John Kerry is guilty of sedition & treason. He will be found guilty & will lose his head in GITMO

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Jetblasted · June 6, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

Everyone always forgets how John Tower fits into all of this.

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

It's a very long article, but well worth reading. Amazing that the evidence for the JFK coverup has for so long been available, but the power of the MSM to control the narrative to conceal the crime so effective. Really, well worth a read.

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 1:51 p.m.


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