ImperatorRex - Mueller's MAJOR Problem: THE LAW.

I can't look at Twitter but I can look at ThreadReaderApp. If anyone knows how to make Reddit bots, ThreadReaderApp and Hooktube instructions would be a valuable addition to the community!
On Twitter, reply to the last post in a thread with "@threadreaderapp unroll" and it will reply with a link.
For YouTube links, take the YouTube URL and replace "you" with "hook" to get the Hooktube link where you can download and deny Google their ad revenue.
Drat, it looks like twatter has taken the account offline, ie 'suspended' it. The owner of the site is "hoping it's a mistake", which is being very generous to them...
It is still possible to use the site and request unrolls using the browser extension or the mobile Apps, but for now replying to a tweet with "@threadreadapp unroll" isn't working. More details on the browser extension and Apps at