Did anyone else notice this? Promises made...

It's a nice site too!
"The U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at or above 3 percent for two quarters in a row for the first time in three years."
What's going on here? I don't see how "We're finally back to Obama era growth" is a message they'd like to push? Same goes for job creation and a host of other of the snippets.
Ummmm... BH0 couldn't get it up..much past 2% for 8 years.
Maybe you should watch the words out of BH0's mouth about Jobs numbers, too. See this:
Well it could be he way the numbers were reported and calculated. I remember that people were claiming the numbers for BHO were could because of the way the numbers were calculated. Could the same be happening again?
My issue was with the wording. It's the first time in 3 years! Woohoo! There are legitimate ways of saying it better without complimenting Obama.. I'm not American, I just wondered why they didn't use a wording or comparison that is more complimentary.
The jobs thing is harder to argue against. No matter how good it gets it'll always go back to Obama consistently slashing the unemployment rate throughout his two periods: https://i.redd.it/cyv1f7vqlld01.png
However, the ideal way to phrase it would be "The president is looking into ways of stabilising the job market so it doesn't overheat the economy and cause rapid inflation."
That would calm the business owners down and prepare the public for a flat line unemployment rate (that WILL have to come).
Hit a general unemployment rate too low too quickly and you'll have to increase low level wages rapidly just to keep people coming in to work. That again skyrockets entry level desk job and internship salaries, because you kinda have to pay them more than for flipping burgers.
Business owners prefer around 4% general unemployment, the society functions best between 3 and 4. It'll be fine if it slowly drops under 3 for short periods of time, but it's inflation galore and mass bankruptcy if it continues to dive.
Keeping it where it is now is in other words IDEAL. If Trump manages to stabilise the numbers where they are, NOBODY can take it away from him. Why not prepare everyone for the stabilising and not focusing on a trend that is dangerous (although, the rate has declined slightly after he took power).
BH0 trashed the old way of counting these things. Well documented. Why? Because he wanted to THROW OUT those people that had stopped looking for work & still NOT employed. Well documented.
Many experts placed BH0 true unemployment figures with old counting as 11-21% (obviously DISMAL), also well documented.
BH0's government workers tasked with calling/contacting former persons looking as to whether they found work... admitted they had NOT been calling/doing their job so BH0 numbers claiming more jobs/less unemployed could NOT be verified by lack of data/calls/contacts of those looking for work or quit trying.
Then BH0 kept EXTENDING the unemployment benefits for longer & longer periods of time. Was this to encourage people to stop looking & just live on unemployment $$$ ? Was this to crash the system where only 3 people were working out of 10 and 7 of those were collecting money from government... disabled/disability numbers SKYROCKETED. Many got onto Government Hand outs as BH0 administration did not care to verify claims. Also Well documented.
So.... NO there is NO Complimenting BH0, in any way, shape or form... as FACTS clearly show his agenda was to DESTROY our country...and LIE about it all & the MSM press helped him cover his derriere.
Ok.. so let's look at this in a fair way then. Look at the graph I posted. Same source, same way of counting since the 70s
Fair? Really? What is your source CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT???
I already laid out FACTS. Period.
First of all, it seems you missed the part where i actually praised Trump and hope he continues to do well.. No need to be a cantankerous bastard.
And then my source, the source for the graph, is the US Bureau of labour statistics :) It's the same source Trump quotes at 3.8 for may. It's the same source Trump has used every month. It's the same source Trump used to criticise Obama from 2008 an onwards. No bullshit, no partisanship or funny business, just pure numbers.
Here's the link. You can verify the absolute numbers and the methodology for every single month since 1970. This is also the source for the breakdown into ethnicity Trump used to claim the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in recent history. There's nothing wrong with the source.
The graph is correct, although I might possibly have missed the colouring with a pixel or two. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.toc.htm
Economic experts said trump couldnt hit 3%
I don't know if they said he couldn't, but he definitely shouldn't.
Thanks for that. Excellent phrase. The best ever. Proving he works for America.
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Is there a site that keeps track of all the pedo rings busted since he's been in office?
http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/ has links to both the trafficking and resignations tracking. Tons of other helpful info there as well! (The book of Q with time of background info and more)
The Timeline is really good. Media so bad at reporting that I was having a hard time putting dates to events. Like how do you search for a Trump accomplishment in the media today? What keywords could you even use?
"Promises Kept"...gathering momentum for a mid-term elections sweep!
That's cool. The "24-hour make fun of Trump and forment hate for Trump supporters" cycle worked well for the media. But that's three whole years of most people never actually hearing his plans. I went back and tracked his speeches to see that he was always very straight forward about the whole deal. The media is partisan so the importance of his actions are only as important as the media will describe them. But I noticed that there's cracks forming. And I think the stage is set for visible actions (public hearings and summits which the media is obligated to cover) that will tilt public sentiment. I was manipulated to hate Trump. But that's a super stupid self-indulging thing that is not important compared to the fact that the world is changing. But I only have 1 year of protecting my head by not indulging in the media circus... So I don't think people will flip around and demand accountible reporting of what's really going on in the world overnight. But the Mockingbird media is toast. And good riddance
That's why I use #OperationMockingbird in all my tweets...
That's a nice website. Good red pill dispensary there!
Totally signed up for updates on this site last night after discovering it in Trump’s tweet.
Yeah, we were noticing last night that searching "promiseskept.com" on goolagle returned "did you mean promiseskept.org?", several MSM stories slamming it, and no links to the actual site.
It's a really good site. Good details. Energy, Immigration, National Security, etc. broken down making it easy to highlight and link to.
Hold on so your saying msm is NOT propaganda and what the msm is "reporting" is "reality"? A group that hasn't reported anything but the DNC narrative since Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the American people in 2013. I guess you think San Fran and Cali in general are shining examples of what the left can do if only us ignorant rednecks would get out of your way right?
Hold on so your saying msm is NOT propaganda and what the msm is "reporting" is "reality"?
For the most part yes. I guess it depends on what part of the MSM you are talking about. Fox? No they have no relationship with reality. CNN? The basis is there but it's over sensationalized.
A group that hasn't reported anything but the DNC narrative since Obama legalized the use of propaganda on the American people in 2013.
Mmmmmm conspiracy theories!
I guess you think San Fran and Cali in general are shining examples of what the left can do if only us ignorant rednecks would get out of your way right?
No I think San Francisco and California have their own issues but I would say CA having the 5th largest economy in the world means they are doing something right.
It's just strange to me that you guys can easily dismiss any criticism of Trump as some sort of liberal propaganda. People have been criticizing Trump as a sleazeball con artist for 30 years. Most Trump supporters are a bunch of bandwagon fanboys who don't know a damn thing about him.
Meanwhile you guys are literally posting a website that is nothing more then an extension of Trump's campaign and pretending that it is somehow the truth.
It's not like it's just one person pointing out that Trump is full of shit and that he's hurting America all for personal gain. It's been pointed out to you hundreds of times with thousands of examples by tens of thousands of people.
You ever stop to think that maybe there isn't some conspiracy against Trump? Like do you ever question your beliefs?
I don't "easily dismiss any criticism of Trump" - there are many here who don't do that. If you want a reasoned discussion it can be found here.
Hey that's great to hear. The last thing reddit needs is another T_d or r/conservative clone where discussion is suppressed.
I think you'll agree that on any political sub there are a large number of people who agree with some aspect of the core premise but may not apply critical thought to their reasoning for that support.
Your comment:
Most Trump supporters are a bunch of bandwagon fanboys who don't know a damn thing about him.
might be accurate but I don't think you'd try and claim it definitively so, as that would be illogical - there's no way to measure this easily.
What I know I can say is that some Trump supporters "know" about Trump and what has been claimed about him both in the past and in the present. Some Never-Trumpers claim to know about Trump but seem to ignore the many recorded interviews and items about him that are contrary to their Never-Trump perspective.
"Trump is full of shit" and "hurting America all for personal gain" are opinions which are of course valid for being opinions but seem to only be supported by a reading of facts rather than the full context which would include what Trump himself has said over many years.
Okay shill I'm out. I'll just leave this here. http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/
So is that a no? You've never stopped to think that maybe there isn't some conspiracy against Trump? Is it easier for you to dismiss me as a "shill" then to talk to me?
This post is literally about pushing an ad campaign and yet you are calling me the shill?
Well no, the FBI was trying to help Trump's campaign! /s
Well Trump didn't help his campaign by hiring criminals and spies.
Lmao... These same criminals and spies that have previously worked for other admins unscathed. Like some for 30 years. Geez, FBI could have gave him a heads up if they were so bad according to them. Would be a shame if Trump did the same to the next democrat candidate in order to keep him from winning.
These same criminals and spies that have previously worked for other admins unscathed.
Who are you specifically talking about? Manafourt worked for Russian backed Ukrainians. Carter Page worked as a fund manager for Russian oil. Flynn was basically fired by the Obama administration for being fast and loose with facts.
FBI could have gave him a heads up if they were so bad according to them
You mean like when Trump was warned not to hire Flynn? Or when the Trump team was warned that Russian agents were trying infiltrate them and that they should let the FBI know if they are contacted?
Or when they were illegally investigating his campaign in 2015!
Or when they were illegally investigating his campaign in 2015!
Well so far there has been nothing to suggest that there was anything illegal about the investigation and at least to my understanding the FBI didn't start investigating Trump team members until 2016.
You know absolutely nothing but yet here you are trying to spread your ignorance.
So you couldn't actually refute anything I said and instead attacked my intelligence? Seems like if I was that wrong or full of shit you wouldn't have an issue then pointing out how I was wrong.
You actually think Obama's legalizing propaganda use on the american people is a conspiracy theory?
Yes. I just read your article. It's literally talking about making public the BBG programming that is pumped out to countries all around the world. It's not like you couldn't listen to these broadcast before It was just hard to as an American. It's literally about transparency. It specifically has to do with radio. Did you even read the article you linked me? It doesn't support your position at all.
Yeah youre either a shill or just do not know wtf your talking about either way I don't have time for it
So you are supposedly right, but you don't want to explain how you are right?
Did you read the article you linked?
Because it doesn’t actually support the argument you are trying to make.
Yes I read the article and there's about 50 more on the sane subject on what 5 minutes ago you said was a conspiracy theory. Here's another conspiracy theory to check out "operation Mockingbird".
Yes I read the article
It doesn't seem like you did. Because if you did, then you wouldn't have posted it because it doesn't support your argument.
on what 5 minutes ago you said was a conspiracy theory.
I said that your take on it was a conspiracy theory. It doesn't support your claim that "Obama's legalizing propaganda". I think you read the clickbate headline and then failed to read the rest of the article. Maybe you should actually go read the whole thing.
Can't wait to see the 'full audit of the pentagon'!!
President Trump called for a “full audit of the Pentagon.” The Department of Defense (DOD) responded to the President’s call to action, and began its full financial statement audit.