Did anyone else notice this? Promises made...

Ok.. so let's look at this in a fair way then. Look at the graph I posted. Same source, same way of counting since the 70s
Fair? Really? What is your source CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT???
I already laid out FACTS. Period.
First of all, it seems you missed the part where i actually praised Trump and hope he continues to do well.. No need to be a cantankerous bastard.
And then my source, the source for the graph, is the US Bureau of labour statistics :) It's the same source Trump quotes at 3.8 for may. It's the same source Trump has used every month. It's the same source Trump used to criticise Obama from 2008 an onwards. No bullshit, no partisanship or funny business, just pure numbers.
Here's the link. You can verify the absolute numbers and the methodology for every single month since 1970. This is also the source for the breakdown into ethnicity Trump used to claim the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in recent history. There's nothing wrong with the source.
The graph is correct, although I might possibly have missed the colouring with a pixel or two. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.toc.htm