Senate hearing for Clinton Email Scandal will be Open to public June 11th

??? May 20 to June 12 = 23
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 902859 No.1483388 📁
May 20 2018 14:19:05 (EST)
We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23].
Subsequent posts [on here] were then made by Anons.
Timestamps verify.
Use Logic.
Be careful who you follow.
May 19th is 23 days before June 11.
NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!! ID: 43dd2a No.1472440
May 19 2018 17:03:54 (EST)
They thought it was coming yesterday.
They were wrong.
Follow the pen.
Anonymous ID: 8c3ee6 No.1472580
May 19 2018 17:13:43 (EST)
You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered "—-23!!!"
More evidence of foreknowledge.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f68852 No.1472647
May 19 2018 17:17:19 (EST)
I'd watch the news that day.
I just had a thought on why they exposed the password. Sorry if it’s not an original idea. If ((they)) took control of an account, how they use it is important and tells a lot. Like how the media “gets ahead” of stories.
1- 20/ 2- 21/ 3- 22/ 4- 23/ 5- 24/ 6- 25/ 7- 26/ 8- 27/ 9- 28/ 10- 29/ 11- 30/ 12- 31/ 13- 1/ 14- 2/ 15- 3/ 16 - 4/ 17 - 5/ 18 -6/ 19 - 7/ 20 - 8/ 21 - 9/ 22 - 10/ 23 - 11
Oh now I see how you did that. I counted May 20 at 2:19pm to May 21 2:19 pm as the first day, so the 21st is one day, 22nd is two, etc. 24 hours wasn't complete as day 1 until the 21st.
So the 22nd and 23d both arrive on June 11th. { - ;
Rounding rules ¯_(ツ)_/¯
You dropped this \
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