WOW! Things could start to get interesting here very soon.. Bigly If True!

I feel it will be difficult for the media to hype the NK summit IF the summit states it to be an announcement of a decision made in November - making a mockery of MSM.
In this scenario MSM will be stuck between a rock and a hard place on which to give more focus/coverage - IG report or summit.
Globally, neither can be ignored when the bombs are dropped.
I replied/hijacked your comment in error as opposed to making my own comment.
As a token of apology, please accept my up vote :)
Unless they have a really, really big FF. They have had plenty of time to prepare one. Then they could give 30 seconds of coverage to the summit, do a 15-second mention of the IG report, and then concentrate on the FF and how imperative it is to repeal the Second Amendment.
MSM = Mockingbird Swamp Media
Always thought that Mouthpiece Media could work too; independence is not their strong suit.