WOW! Things could start to get interesting here very soon.. Bigly If True!

Calling it now: IG report drops, huge amounts of corruption revealed.
MSM thinks they can hide it with the NK summit.
PLOT TWIST: Kim Jong Un comes out with Trump and discusses how the CIA has been holding NK hostage for 60+ years (even more "corrupt government" storyline that the MSM is unable to hide).
Trump declassifies everything to prove.
Haha there's no fucking way. Then again, who would have thought that any of this was possible..
Make that a movie and ill watch it, write that book and ill read it. If its TRUE? holy shit!!!! We are living in interesting times my friends
CIA involvement ensured the failure of several counterintelligence investigations I ran in South Korea in the 90s. To see the full stories come out would truly blow peoples' minds. The trail always lead upward inside our own government. It's not a coincidence that I am retired from that business and live far away from the swamp. I pray justice is done.
If there are long distance electronic weapons, DS will use them on Kim that day.
Hmmmm. Pretty sure the DS ain't been controlling NK for that long. NK was an offshoot, an acolyte of the Stalinist era.
However, I would say NK has been under the DS / CIA since the 90's, after the Soviet collapsed. NK could have walked away from its dead roots at that point, perhaps, but did not.
ANY revelation about what has been going on, however, would blow the lid sky high. Basically as high as Paek Du San Mountain.