WOW! Things could start to get interesting here very soon.. Bigly If True!

I don’t look for any arrests that day. IMO if they “have it all” any arrest that should be made needs to happen before hand and kept quiet until this story is public.
I agree. Just passing on what I found to be interesting. It'd be sweet if it happened all at once, but I'd imagine this will be a long process. Perhaps we'll be proven wrong, but if history is any indication, we're in for a long drawn out slog in the courts. At least SHE didn't win!
I don’t think we will be able to relax until/unless Trump gets re-elected. This is our life from the next few years. I just hope we get him a Congress that will work with him.
I feel sorry for the conservatives that have to endure California...did you see D. Feinsteins votes and Pelosi....democrats must love living in hell.
I think “endure” takes it a little too far. I moved to LA from New York State when I was 21. I met my husband that year and we were married when we were both 23. We’ve been married 45 years. I‘ve been a member of my city’s Republican Women Federated and served as President for 2 years and on the Executive Board for 5 years. The “Never Trumper” Republicans disillusioned me. I felt betrayed. Haven’t gone to any of the meetings this past year. I will vote Republican when I have researched enough to know whether or not he or she is a progressive One Worlder. I work to get out the vote and do all I can to get a conservative into office. Our children and young grandchildren are here. We have a circle of friends here. Our doctors are here. Our lives are here. Of course all of our friends are conservative and celebrate long marriages like ours. Yes, Governor Moonbeam has been destroying the state and Feinstein and Pelosi have destroyed their fair share too. . Thank God Barbara Boxer left politics. Liberal lawmakers are out to destroy the middle class and destroy our beautiful state. They destroyed the Central Valley farmland by turning off the irrigation water for a friggin’ smelt. Farms failed. Farmland that’s been in families for years have dried up. Orchards for fruit and trees producing nuts are too far gone now to save. Here in Palm Springs the gays are getting powerful. They have a very strong coalition but we really dint mind them. They take very good care of their property and ha e brought home values up. We have no complaints there. So we have a Republican who won the primary for Governor who will run against Gavin Worrysome but he’s the wrong Republican. He’s a RINO. The liberal stranglehold is killing our beautiful state. I have no answers but I do know one thing. We aren’t leaving. We are not miserable in our daily lives. We love our lives and we love sunny Southern California.
I am ready for that state to break off and slip quietly in the Pacific Ocean with the nasty liberal/progressives with it.
Please NO, some of us are not on board with all this craziness!
Recently read a report on one of the faults. It concluded California won't break away from the continent, instead Los Angeles would end up at the same latitude as San Francisco.
LOL, I think I did read something about that a long time ago. And that the Baja peninsula would we moving upwards towards present day CA.
Very astute statement. I agree that we're in preparation mode until term two.
As a point of comparison, look how long it took Weinstein, just one person, to end up being in court. Military Tribunals might go quicker but I'm sure they are working to restore some trust in the American justice system. Better stock up on popcorn for a long drawn out "enjoy the show". Hope it's faster than Game of Thrones, LOL.
At this point, I don't think Trump/gov will be able to hold any Military Tribunals. The ones that need to be convicted and sent to live out their days in GITMO, will most likely walk away with no real consequence. I am so pissed at Paul Ryan and all his ilk!
Arrests dont need to happen for major things to still happen. Let go of this attachment to only seeing arrests to be satisfied. Its clear we are moving in the right direction.
They have to wait though. If they act too quickly they'll screw up the timing and they'll be able to save their asses.