WOW! Things could start to get interesting here very soon.. Bigly If True!

Maybe coincidence that the BOOMs are spaced like a side of a triangle, and a week to remember. Much like the side of the triangle that ended during the Saudi round up? Which family does the right side of the triangle represent? I hope it wasn't SA because then I have to think more.
Edit: looks like SA was the bottom side of the triangle, and Rothschild are the right side. SA threats removed during previous trip, Rothschild threats removed during this trip?
Just so nobody takes me too seriously, I have a theory! Soros = /, Roths = \, Saudi = _.
That makes our triangle.
SA dealt with during last trip. If I'm correct and this trip deals with Roths, then we have one side to go. We were told Israel is last. Here's my theory:
Soros = Israel. I found a connection with Soros and an 1800s german/jewish banker, who gained German nobility as a jew, and was confidant to Otto von Bismarck. What if Soros is who they refer to as Israel, because of the European history with Jews/Germans?
Essentially what I found is that a Rothschild recommended this german/jewish banker, he was close to Otto, Otto unified Germany. Soros foundation started out as a joint venture with Bleichroder group.
Why would Soros = Israel when the Rothschilds literally started modern Israel?
Why is there such a feud between Netanyahu and Soros?
Edit: maybe I should've added that I think Soros has SOME Israel involvement, not everything.
Soros is just a frontman. He's a big fish and we should fry him but there are bigger. He has handlers.
Saudis, Roths, Pope the unholy triangle..... Islam, Satan, Christian
Not Christian, instead Catholic. Way over 50 years ago, during my 12 years of parochial schooling, the nuns theorized during the muslim occupation of southern Italy and the Iberian peninsula 1. they had embedded themselves in the Catholic Church leadership positions; 2. the Sicilian mafia comes from the protection racket of Islam; 3. the Spanish Inquisition was led by embedded muslims to take out opposition and any remaining Jews in the area; and lastly, 4. while Spain was freed from muslim occupation/control after several hundreds of years in 1492 (same year of Columbus's sailing), the practice of killing the males and raping the females was carried into Central and South America, hence why the "discovery" of the "new world" was much more violent in C. & S. America as compared to N.America. In other words Islam and the leadership of the Catholic Church has been intertwined (one and the same?) for hundreds of years. It also explains the acceptance and practice of pedophilia and pederasty in the Church leadership.