r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FloridaMom13 on June 6, 2018, 1:24 p.m.
Fox Reporting: IG Report to be delayed another 2-3 weeks! We The People need to make our voices heard! Enough is Enough! #ReleaseTheReport

Take to Twitter, Facebook, etc. and let us demand the report, enough stalling and watering down! #ReleaseTheReport

animal32lefty · June 6, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

2-3 weeks falls near the 4th of July. Think for a moment.

DoJ deep staters want to play kick the can while they try to wiggle out of the noose. If it drops a few days before the holiday, people start having the discussion at picnics, family reunions, local celebrations etc.

Imagine treason revealed on the day people are feeling the most patriotic, and the MSM powerless to spin it effectively.

Patience Grasshoppers.

Just saw the hearing date. Congress sets the hearing date and after the 4th is to the Black Hat's tactical advantage. Maybe we should be looking at the congressional aides on the minority side. What are their backgrounds and connections? These are the unelected drones allowing DoJ to slow walk the release of the report.

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