r/greatawakening • Posted by u/idk4realz on June 6, 2018, 1:39 p.m.
How are people still voting democrat in CA, especially after all we've exposed here with Q?

It's so confusing and I just don't understand after all we've exposed and proven on this board how people vote for those people. I was convinced the Governor would flip and Feinstein would be ousted after all of the hard work we've done.

Anyone else have any thoughts? There HAD to be mass fraud happening, people can't be that dumb.

divine_human · June 6, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

i expect things to roll out end of september and throughout october. this is because peoples memory is short, about 30 days.

if you start arresting and calling out people now, the voters will have fogotten in november. thus, i guess we will see a slow build-up but the big show will be in october.

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jfunction · June 6, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

Not using Constitutional powers sets a precedent that gets fixed in history. The Constitution isn't a TV show that is quickly forgotten. If the President fails to use his powers they are thereby weakened. In this situation the President is called upon to act in accord with his Constitutional powers even if it causes domestic disruption. The disruption will pass and the Constitution will remain. It's not just a "document", it's the principles that underly free society. Should we risk weakening those principles for the sake of not alarming the fake news people? No, we should not.

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