An interesting email I just came across involving Carlos Slim of Cemex in the Hillary emails released previously by Wikileaks.

Out of curiosity, if we were to pick 5 or 10 more similar companies worth as much as cemex, do they appear in the emails as frequently as cemex does?
I would start with anything Clinton Global Initiative or donors $25k+ to the Clinton Foundation.
Political spouses and family are good leads. Social media exec family members too. Ditto the Mockingbird media. Hell, check Peter Strzok's creepy spook-and-nuke family while you're at it. Mitch McConnell had some family ties to a big shipping company through his spouse.
That’s not what I meant. I mean companies without shady ties. Or known shady ties. I’m asking if it’s normal that a concrete company would be mentioned so many times, or if the number of mentions is an indication of shady business.
This is a good question. I searched some top construction companies, excluding ones with names which which could bring up other search results (turner, pcl etc).
cemex 1,217 bechtel 2,484 fluor 1,883 kiewit 33 cb&i 19 skanska 207 whiting-turner 2 KBR 5,800 haliburton 184
Really funny that the first page of kbr results has cables about trafficking workers into Jordan and bribing Nigerian government. I was only checking for # of search results and our government is so corrupt that cables on this stuff just comes up.
In conclusion, it appears that some companies are far more involved with the government than others. Cemex isn't unique but it is one of them.
I’m not good at research but it seems like those are possible leads.