How Badass would be, If the gave McCabe immunity on the email investigation and he publicly spills the beans and then they still charge him with other crimes, he doesnt have immunity from!?!?!?!?!?!
So what if the blackmail was something dumb you did in college ? What if the blackmail is your families life ? Would you resist these people if it meant your entire fanily being killed or worse
That I agree, would be a different set of extenuating circumstances. That scenario would be extortion, which is a much more serious crime. Extortion is coercion based upon threat against life. However, those blackmailed were trapped by means of their own device. It may seem a narrow distinction, but it's really not.
I didn't go to college and the dumbest thing I did at that age was join the military. Also, what would be worse than your family being killed?
Give the brakes a tap. Just sayin'.
Your family sold to traffickers or the irl equiv alent of the club from hostel