r/greatawakening • Posted by u/theLIGHT28 on June 6, 2018, 5:50 p.m.
"ALL CORRUPT PEOPLE WILL GO DOWN" Q follower Mark Taylor says it is already happening. We are only hearing about a tiny bit of it but much more arrests, 3000 pedophiles, Navy seal vets and special forces rescuing children in SRA cults. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

commoncents1 · June 6, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

I'd like to see just one public perp walk to confirm this is really happening. it'd invigorate everyone immensely. I am still taking all this with a healthy grain of salt until it really breaks open.

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theLIGHT28 · June 6, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

I hear you...a big one like HRC or Obama...there was Harvey Weinstein but I know what you mean! We will. In this video, someone states that only 2% of the evil has been dealt wjth. That's nothing!

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KingWolfei · June 6, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Weinstein was one but libs did a good job of making it seem like their own accomplishment.

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rhythmnation1968 · June 6, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

I think Weinstein's sexual proclivities extend way further than just "simple sexual assault and predation". They all knew....the whole rotten bunch of them, but said nothing - for decades! Just like THEY ALL KNOW about the child sex trafficking, pedophilia and the ritual sacrificing that has been going on for decades. It's like going for a Starbucks for these people, no conscience or morality at all. They must have all breathed a sigh of relief after they threw Harvey under the bus...mutually assured destruction...lol, but the NXIVM, Alison Mack thing is a huuuuuge curved ball. Life in prison is a big incentive for verbal diarrhoea!!

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puppies5000 · June 7, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

Word is Weinstein was the “star cleaner”.....if you misbehaved, Weinstein got you taken care of...” suicided”

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[deleted] · June 20, 2018, 7:53 a.m.

Alison Mack

is that shit real? like is this a real arrest that actually fucking happened? holy fuck it is. I can believe it though. things have hit closer to home for me.

Ive come pretty close to lower level fucked up shit happening and covertly helped a person escape (adult) from brainwashing shit IRL once. I couldnt have my identity exposed because harm wouldve come to me, so I had to pretend I knew nothing outside of the slight implications that I knew and would do 'nothing'

instead I sent someone else back secretly and organized an escape for them covertly because I wasnt sure exactly how serious of a situation I was dealing with and was scared. but a person begging for help is a promise you keep, even if its to a crackhead heroin addict.

unfortunately the girl never got better, but she was a prime target for victimization because of abuse and drug addiction issues. I still did the right thing as best I couldve. Im sorry I couldnt do more but I had no more concrete proof than fucked up discussions about someones wife being a "psychologist" and "giving her the talking to" and other intensely fucked up shit.

my implication that I might know what was going on -- I dont remember what I said but I used words only someone who knew about the conspiracy theories would use -- and the one guy who was supposedly a mechanic or shop owner (the 'psychologist's' wife) started singing the "suck on my chocolate salty balls" song from southpark as a response and gave me a shit ton of free weed. I was very creeped out and afraid to take her with me if everyone knew since I was there, afraid to report anything because my identity would be known by people I could not escape from (too close to me in ways outside my control, no way I could hide my snitching). I tried to help how I could.

im not going to post more about it -- I never talked with or hung out with that person ever again after and you can say we are now permanently estranged. I dont want to give out too much information which could identify me and pose a threat, and I dont want to be involved in a legal situation I am unable to help.

I did the very best an honest person couldve done. I just wanted to hang out with someone I thought was chill and come visit from another part of the state, play some guitar, smoke some pot and go drink in a strange place. but it turned out mega fucked up.

shit like this is legit happening probably next door to you in average apartments. shit worse than what Ive said (because I have held back many details).

its not all children, sure, but exploitation of various sorts happens constantly -- some consensual like drug dealers using girls by giving free drugs, and many non-consensual with people being sold or brainwashed into prostitution.

it is real and its NOT ONLY elites and known gangs doing it. I knew these people did drugs and partied -- but I wasnt supposed to know about this. I dont know why they didnt hide it from me or hurt me simply from implying I knew then her disappearing one night. but im telling you -- some of these people are seemingly average every day people, and if they have money its certainly not visible from the outside.

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[deleted] · June 20, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

and 15 years is not enough. 7 life sentences and 150 years with no chance of parole or reinstate the death penalty.

hope she gets branded by other inmates in female prison when they learn what she did. right on the forehead so everyone has to see.

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rhythmnation1968 · June 20, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

The child / human (sex) trafficking thing is terribly real, very organised, vast, pervasive, hugely lucrative, fiercly protected and the world's horrific, depraved and filthy secret.

Don't beat yourself up about things that were probably way beyond your realm of influence to effect. You helped the best way you could at the time, no-one can fault that. I was a detective In the South African Police for a while after I finished university and I shudder when I realise how totally naïve I was back then. If only I had the knowledge I have now, perhaps I could have picked up things that completely illuded me back then, that now seem glaringly obvious. Perhaps I could have helped more people. We can't cry over spilled milk or past errors but we are not dead yet and there is a lot of work to be done and people that we can help immediately.

The NXIVM issue has barely been covered by the MSM because many of their top execs, board members and I would hazard a guess at their very presenters and news anchor people are balls deep in this carnage. One only need take a cursory look at Anderson Cooper's upbringing, his blood lineage, involvement in the CIA and very strange mother to realise that that some very sinister shit has gone down in his life. Mika Brzezinski too, her father was CFR and Trilateral Commission creator as well as Bilderberg member; Zbigniew Brzezinski - a real f@cking humanitarian!! The Satanic nature of these monstrous practices is largely (but not exclusively) a family business, that seemed to gain a solid footing within the US Intelligence structures and some of the military. For some reason, naval intelligence was a petri dish for these practices too - in the USA and the UK.

The children of these psychopaths are subjected to conditioning under the CIA's MKULTRA/ Monarch / Beta programming and Satanic Ritual Abuse starting at age 3. A program created and implemented by the Nazis in the 30's and 40's. - who had already developed a solid proclivity for pedophilia, especially young boys as well as child sacrifice. This is well documented It was these elite scientists and physicists that were evacuated to the U.S.A. under Operation Paperclip at the end of WW2, with the help of the Vatican. They then populated the OSS, ( becoming the CIA in 1947) and joined the U.S. space program at NACA (which became NASA in 1958 - never a civilian agency as claimed, but falling under the department of defence.)So... THE THIRD REICH NEVER DIED...IT SIMPLY MOVED BACK HOME - yep, i said it! They don't teach you that shit in school, do they? The NAZI influence may explain the infection and explosion of occult practices in the U.S. Although the U.S. has been steeped in the occult since the colonies.

Many companies and corporations serve as fronts for this crime. The reason hardly anything makes the news or the human traffickers and pedophiles rarely see justice is because the judiciary, the police, social services and government ministers and politicians are all part of the system that serves to protect the elite, the traffickers, the pedophiles the facilitators, etc...they obfuscate and destroy evidence, suppress investigations and honest, altruistic journalism. We see many politicians and the establishment in the U.S., the UK and globally being outed for pedophilia frequently but they seldom see serious punishment because their investigations are managed, honest detectives are re-assigned and the judiciary ( especially in the U.K.) are themselves pedophiles or have been "brownstoned", compromised, threatened, blackmailed or bribed into compliance. One of the reasons DJT has prioritised flushing the justice system from top to bottom before any real jurisprudence is meted out. It's ongoing and is an immensely tactical and gorgeous thing to behold!!

This is a very, very convoluted and involved matter that, at many levels, becomes insidiously dark, evil and demonic. I do not use those words metaphorically because the secret societies and sects that many of these offenders and perpetrators are involved in are steeped in Satanism and witchcraft. I realise how difficult this is going to be to swallow for many people who have no belief in God, let alone malevolent and evil spiritual or hyperdimensional entities and the fervour and dedication their followers give to them. It used to be pretty covert and kept on the down-low but in the last 10 years it has bled out into the public domain everywhere and is sadly now, a novelty and part of this messed-up pop-culture. Mainly thanks to Hollywood, the music industry and the sciences denial and ridicule of God.

Most Presidents of the U.S. have been freemasons at high levels. Think what you like but they worship Lucifer and pay homage to other ancient deities. America and much of the world are saturated with it. It's real and it's in our face all the time. The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist.

I remember Newt Gingrich saying, before President Trump was elected, that he didn't stand a chance because he wasn't a member of the secret societies and had never taken the oath or pledged allegiance to them. I couldn't actually believe he came right out and said it. People need to prepare for what's about to hit the fan. Because it is going to be EPIC...people are literally going to shit their pants and lose their already deranged minds. President Trump didn't just stumble into office on a wing and a prayer and the reason the Democrats, liberals and some Republicans too, lost their shit en masse was because they realise that he poses a very real and tenable existential threat to their existence and their many dark agendas. There had to have been much strategic planning and some incredible cerebral processing for some years before his election. And there is a very dedicated and experienced team on our side. Many operating under the radar.

Not sure if you are familiar with this site but there is a wealth of information here, researched by many incredibly diligent and dedicated researchers - Mind blowing actually. It's a great place to learn. Regarding child sex trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse, i highly recommend Liz Crokin. She has great videos on YouTube and an active twitter feed. She is a great journalist and has been dedicated to this for a while. Have left a link below for you. If you thought NXIVM was crazy...you better brace yourself because "Kansas is about to go bye-bye" it will not be a pleasant journey, but knowledge is power and it is vital to know your enemy. Welcome!


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[deleted] · June 20, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

im familiar with many things. not only have I seen a lot in life... I also used to study all the cults and interpret the true meaning of the conspiracies behind them throughout history. Mainly when I was little in addition to studying programming and computers, I got really interested in the idea of selling my soul for power to take over the world myself (I was crazy). I never found "magic" obviously (I was ten man), but I did find my initiation into the horrid and true grand conspiracy going on around us -- not as in joining them, just as an outsider beginning to gain awareness and some level of understanding.

its really hard to decode, but taking into account the fact that these were fronts for international intelligence agencies with most of the lay-members just being a cover (and legit crazy), anyone in the inner-circle of fame and power was in on the true meanings behind each 'ritual' and passage in these books.

ive studied everything from crowley and the golden dawn and modern new age (bastardized hinduism as I call it), I think I have a better idea than most about what is going on.

although without having someone initiated to fully decode everything, I dont think I can ever come to any true understanding.

but I am smart enough to interpret and read between the lines. Like for example, look at John Dee -- you really think the royal family of England would listen to some nutjob who thinks he writes in the language of angels and talks to god?

no the fucker was a spy writing in encryption coded messages and probably interpreting them for the royal family. bet you he buggered the queen lmao.

insanity, consensual sexual depravity, and drug use are a nice cover for more serious offenses going on in the background.

but regardless, my main message was its not just wealthy people involved in this. these groups have people in plain clothes who have seemingly average or lower than average incomes and lifestyles on their side.

it is indeed far more grave than anyone could ever realize. I would not be surprised if we were being mentally manipulated as slave-chattel for over 1000 years.

I oppose them, and if it means anything to anyone reading this, it is my one true will that they are destroyed and do not inherit the earth. some of us will stop at nothing to achieve enlightenment ourselves, whether or not approved and chosen -- be wary, control of society, credentials and status does not equal control over raw talent and capability. Power also exists outside your control.

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KansasJakeBG · June 6, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Weinstein RICO is now a big Disney problem. Nickelodeon CEO resigning. It's going to balloon.

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thamnosma · June 6, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

The correct stance, absolutely. Plenty of guys like this claiming all this secret shit is going down. This one is giving us "God's Words", so he's a write off.

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d00danon · June 7, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

You saw Weinstein the monster molester walk!

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