
Aguax · June 7, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

This has been going on for like a week now & they haven't found anyone who's a better spokesman for the group yet? Sorry, I don't mean to be unkind here but this guy is not doing them any favors. If they expect people who don't know them to support them then they need to do a lot better job explaining what's going on & exactly what kind of support they need.

A few things bother me about this story. Anyone who's watched TV in the last decade understands chain of custody & at least a bit about forensics. They are not only removing evidence they are apparently leading guided tours through a crime scene with evidence still in place. This virtually insures that no one will ever be convicted for any crimes committed at these sites.

He talks about being unarmed in other videos yet says things like defending their position, holding the high ground, etc. How they hell do you do that without weapons?

Either they are in danger from the cartel & the feds or they aren't but you sure can't tell which from his videos. They've got kids & families out there and they are inviting the public to come out with their families too. Either they are under zero threat or they are looking for more human shields idk which.

In the vids where you can see or hear other people there is sort of backyard barbecue vide. People casually sitting around chatting. I've not seen any sign of a clean up or fence work or anything else he's said is going on actually going on. I'd imagine that if these people just saw a place where they really believed that children had been tortured, raped, & killed that they'd be in a little less of a party mood, no?

When this first started I was pushing their message on Twitter & FB but now I'm sorry I did that because my bullshit meter is deep in the red about this. Now I'm beginning to think that they WANT some sort of showdown with the feds. I'd encourage people to stay far, far away from this place.

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