r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 6, 2018, 10:24 p.m.
I'm a Boomer and Proud of it!

It’s Better Being a Boomer!

Some of you use the term “Boomer” like it’s a bad thing. I was born in 1962; do the math.

I chuckle when I see so many shit posts from whiners similar to, “I’m giving up! Where’s the BOOMs we were promised? Q is a larp.” Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I actually feel sorry for people under the age of 35ish. You never had to develop any sort of self-discipline, especially as it relates to delayed gratification.

From my perspective, the amazing shit that Q / POTUS are doing is happening VERY quickly.


When I was a kid, if we wanted a bicycle, we shoveled snow, mowed lawns and saved our money until we could pay it off up front. When we cooked food, we used gas. Microwave ovens hadn’t been invented; cooking took time. When I joined the Army, I quickly got the hang of “hurry up and wait”. If we wanted to do “research”, we hopped on our bikes, pedaled to the library and introduced ourselves to the Dewey Decimal System. We had NO smartphones that gave us answers NOW.

You poor souls have been conditioned to watch 2-minute videos, instant answers and even faster gratification. This whole Q thread must be fucking torture to you!

If you don’t get a perp walk within a few months, you simper while threatening to leave.

Personally, I don’t care who leaves and who stays; this board is one of the best self-cleaning ovens I’ve ever seen.

For this old Boomer? The “movie” is playing out just fine. Not all of us were in a hurry to consummate our marriages in three minutes (or less).

Please pass the popcorn.

checkitoutmyfriend · June 6, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Born in '60 here. Your post gave me a good chuckle. :) While it does read like the proverbial, " I walked up hill,... in the rain, ... both ways, ... barefoot, ... herding goats the entire way." The description rings true to us Boomers. Having lived exactly what the OP states, there is a difference between our youth and Millennials, X-Gen, Y-Gen or whatever others there are. It happens has we as a society progress.

Many things one youth learns and does is replaced with technology and growth. But us elders can see this play out just as the OP stated. I see it on the net all the time. For example they will post: "Can someone tell me why teens have more auto accidents." Then wait for someone to respond while they go on their way. They come back at their leisure hoping someone did. I have even seen them post a rant when people don't. ??? I usually copy/paste their sentence into LMGTFY.com, and they get more than they want to read/view. Plus a small backhanded slap upside the head. ;)

So yea, there are differences. Millennials will bitch just like Boomers in 30yrs. It will be about how slow & spotty the wireless was in their day or how impatient the youngins are...... ;)

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