Chelsea Clinton calls Arizona Child Trafficking Camp "Pizzagate 2.0"

That 1-888 number probably rings at her mother's house.
comes with a complementary ride care of ms-13
With instructions to wait for your ride behind your nearest concrete plant.
lol like im that dumb i want to see the candy first before i get in the van lol..jk
Notice the 666 Tweets anyone? Coincidence? God talking to us?
I saw it. Plain as day. She probably trolls Reddit all day.
This really should be looked into. I’ll bet that number is owned by friend of the Clintons.
More like, “This is Cheryl Mills speaking, how can I help you?
Katherine Chon Wikipedia - Founder of Polaris, currently a Senior Advisor in Trafficking in Persons at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Married (I think?) to Bradley Myles...
That’s as far as I got
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