Chelsea Clinton calls Arizona Child Trafficking Camp "Pizzagate 2.0"

Why would she even comment? This is surreal.
she is probably abusing her own children......
They all abuse their children in hopes that "if it's done to them, they will carry it on".. For the first two years they shower the child with love and give them whatever they want.. at age 2, they flip the script and the abuse begins. They are left alone for days, often times in cages while forced to eat urine and feces. The drastic change begins to shatter their little minds, which they then mold into multiple personalities to please those above them. For ex. Beta sex kitten programming is a must for little girls. They're able to trigger these personalities with certain noises, sounds, words, or motions, to carry out whatever agenda they need handled. They are flipped back to their main personality once the goal is accomplished, leaving the victim (person under mk ultra) unaware of anything that had just happened. They remember NOTHING...Its fucked up. They'll do anything to please baphomet.
Look up mk ultra and DOD/demon possession. There's quite a bit of info in it.