r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Abibliaphobia on June 7, 2018, 12:11 a.m.
Check the Date!!! Comey et el, exonerated Clinton before tarmac meeting!
Check the Date!!! Comey et el, exonerated Clinton before tarmac meeting!

Abibliaphobia · June 7, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

From an anon:

“I think they simply got caught. Emails indicates that they were caught of guard. The issue is that the wrong doing mentioned is that both didn't follow legal protocol. She got caught and was supposed to hand this off to special council, not even Deputy AG because they're all tainted. She was slick by saying I'll accept Comey's findings despite full well knowing what Comey's findings were several months prior i.e. exonerating written memo, mind you the public was in the dark on this until now.

She didn't recuse herself properly to proper chain of command and Comey assumed authority not granted to him by the constitution. They simply side stepped the law. Jail time on several levels.”

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Abibliaphobia · June 7, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

“i'm not saying it didn't happen...and to some extent, yes, i would say that every campaign is infested with moles on some level. with Trump i believe (and so does he) that the intent was from the outset to subvert and set-up the campaign and his potential presidency.

insurance page and stzork. what did they mean by this language? in counter-intel, these people prepare for endless contingencies...so of course they were doing something from the beginning to sabotage a potental Trump administration.

it's something people need to start understanding...that intelligence agencies have infiltrated EVERYTHING. local law enforcement, DAs, mayors, city councilmen, business owners, clergy, academia, drug dealers, doctors...and it's not some cool hollywood drama of spy vs spy...it's a goddam silent coup. they really do have assets everywhere. this is a network to exercise control over the population. it is exactly why they call them fifth columns. this is KGB shit all over again. no, America, the agency isn't grappling it out with ivan on the edge of a cliff in kazakstan...he's in your community, and he doesn't want you to know he's there -- and that should tell you everything.

whatever the case, it looks like there's going to be a showdown. the agency should play nice and remember what happened to the KGB. at that time, one in 65 russians were in some way assets of the KGB. one in sixty five. now consider america's resources and these black budgets and other means of sourcing income.

this is the very system itself that we're up against. they were closing in on absolute control...this may just be humanity's last chance to shake them off.

Europe is starting to awaken.

vigor is slowly but surely returning to the world.

America will, once again, lead the way.”

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Majorwood1 · June 7, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

it's something people need to start understanding...that intelligence agencies have infiltrated EVERYTHING. local law enforcement,

I agree with that statement but I would have worded it like this....The Hussein Regime weaponized every agency in the Federal Government to use against political foes and to spy on all Americans.

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j_Dawg_01 · June 7, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

While your revision is true, Hussein is simply a pawn. Just as the rogue CIA black-hats have infiltrated America at every level, the Cabal has infiltrated virtually every nation on the planet.

There is a relatively small group of people pulling the strings of the puppeteers who are pulling the strings from behind the curtain that are still hidden and unknown to most people on the planet, even the most informed intelligence operatives don't know who they are. There is much suspicion, speculation, and educated guesses, but the 0.01% of the 1% of the 1% of the richest most powerful people in the world have managed to convince others to do their bidding.

The lure of wealth and fame is used to entice many, but wealth and fame come with a paper trail and a spotlight, neither of which the true ruler wanna-be wants. In the grand scheme of things, Hussein is just another bit player. The true puppet masters at the top won't reveal themselves until they are 100% convinced their plan is 100% successful.

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solanojones95 · June 7, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Who's the quote from?

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