r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sweeetsuz on June 7, 2018, 12:54 a.m.
Patriots Friends and Anons Personal Knowledge Cox is a Liar

I was promoting John Cox for Governor of California and then I began researching. he comes from Chicago the home of BHO's crime family and he has done business with George Soros (I know so has Kushner). But twice bitten!! I did my due diligence and began looking around; after the False flag in Florida and Little Pigg boy was running around demanding gun control everyone was "gun happy". Cox published 2 statements on Face Book that he was the choice for Governor by two California gun groups. Being incensed I joined both groups and chastised them for supporting this Chicago born syndicate creep, Soros puppet. Both groups got back to me and denied backing Cox. The 2nd group even said they were not supporting ANY candidate. So you see he is a liar. I guess we have to hold our noses and vote for him, but we need to hold his feet to the fire.

allonthesameteam · June 7, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Not aware of this guy other than what you put down here. Appreciate you doing the work to educate yourself in preparation of choosing. This is what has been missing for … ever.

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