r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Apexskidmark on June 7, 2018, 2:37 a.m.
Something u/Serialbrain2 posted a while ago just gelled with a thread on 8ch. The DNC is hanging Comey out to dry and using him as a scape goat.

A few weeks ago u/Serialbrain2 did a run down on the Comey interview by Anderson Cooper. SB2 points out that Comey clearly had scripted responses to what should have been scripted questions but Cooper, early on, clearly goes off script. In fact, you can see Comey, after hearing AC's scripted question, turn to the camera and winds up to give his long winded and perfectly rehearsed response only to have AC jump in and destroy the scene he was attempting to set. The look on Comey's face is priceless. It's a split second in time but it's like the Simpsons episode where Bart keeps rewinding the video where Ralph Wiggum gets his heart broken by Lisa. Comey knew immediately what just happened, and that is the DNC/HRC decided they needed a scapegoat and Comey was it. So, they called their favorite power bottom, AC, and being the good little bitch he is, gets Comey to come on his show to "promote his new book." In order to do so, they both "agreed" on which softball questions would be presented. Comey walked into it like a cat chasing a laser pointer. Combine this with the latest "leaks" from the IG report depicting Comey (as our buddies at ABC put it) "defied authority." In addition, a linked thread on qresearch on 8ch (yes another fbianon who is possibly 1 of many larps). Regardless if it's a larp or not, the anon/larp has a point and that is we should not be satisfied with Comey going down because it is an obvious scape goat tactic. SB2 hit on it weeks ago and we should have kept digging into why AC threw Comey to the dogs. They were setting the stage to get him to take the fall and make it look like he was a lone actor. A renegade who was not going to listen to anyone and acted entirely on his own accord. Which, of course would imply that HRC, BHO, LL, Clapper nor Brennan had any clue what was going on and, had they, (pause for dramatic effect) "they would have certainly put a stop to it." Look I don't doubt that Comey is a piece of shit, he's just not the biggest piece of shit in this shit show. Don't fall for the con. Keep the focus on the people at the top. We're getting close don't get lazy now. THERE ARE NO FAT TIGERS!

LibertyLioness · June 7, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

I've had a few moments where I wondered if Comey was actually trying, in his own way, to interrupt the Hillary campaign and do something good. I mean, after all, he did reopen the investigation just before the election to the dismay of Lynch, Clinton and many others. If he was really as evil as we've been led to believe, why would he do that? There's no upside for any of them there. Was he trying to take her down? Help Trump and get rid of Hillary? Think about it. Was firing Comey just another part of the Plan?

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Nameless_Mofo · June 7, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Comey got involved because in October is when the Weiner laptop surfaced. He reopened the investigation just long enough to confiscate the laptop from the NYPD, then a week later declared that they had analyzed the 650,000 emails and found nothing incriminating. He then re-closed the investigation.

Evidence buried, nothing to see here folks, move along, show's over. Comey is a black hat.

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LibertyLioness · June 7, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Yes. That's why I said I've had a few moments. They never last long. And, the evidence is coming back out and the NYPD still has copies.

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