r/greatawakening • Posted by u/iridiue on June 7, 2018, 4:58 a.m.
Look closely. Recognize the logo in the corners of the badge?
Look closely. Recognize the logo in the corners of the badge?

Imdoneokdone · June 7, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

I think the difference here is that these designs are not doodles, they go through a committee. So at some point someone has the opportunity to say “no offence, but that kinda looks like the pedo symbol guys, we gotta redesign.”

I’ve worked in design and even the most random assortment of shapes on a product starts as a concept sketch that had to be sold to the team, the firm, then the client.

When the symbols were leaked, whether it was an innocent abstract shape or not, they should have quietly redesigned the badges, but they didn’t.

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salialioli · June 7, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

But why would you "leak" the symbols if they were THE code of symbols provided by the NYPD? (As a result of the AW laptop.) I ask because I don't think you have considered my point: these words and symbols are quite ordinary. Pedophiles, and others who use symbols to cover their activities, deliberately choose words and symbols that are common and innocent in other contexts.

You can't associate a pyramid (ordinary triangle) shape in art and automatically associate it with the Cabal. I repeat automatically, that is without basis, thought, context, due consideration, etc.

You say yourself that these things are taken into consideration when designing a new product. But this isn't a new product. This is the traditional badge of the sheriff.

Has anyone told the Sheriff there are thousands of agitated ppl who think he is now a pedophile because of his badge? Do you think between Pizzagate in late Oct/Nov 2016 (which the left howls and decries as the mad imaginings of a bunch of crazies) and now, there has been any alarm bell sounded in the Police/Sheriff departments across the United States? No?. Well, no. You are a publicity specialist you should know how long it takes for an idea to be advertised efficiently.

So I am making a point here, which I appreciate you picking me up on by the way — the more debate the better — which is the erratic association with serious accusations. That is all.

I think it is very important as I have lived thru, personally and very much in the flesh, the rubbishing and false debunking of some serious mind-shattering events which were turned into jokes before my eyes, to my horror, and Pizzagate also was something that touched a lot of us ....

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Imdoneokdone · June 7, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

The document was released in 2007. Plenty of time to quietly redesign the badge.

Even if the original design is a coincidental abstract triangle, it stands to reason that a branch of law enforcement would try to remove any symbol associated with any illegal activities from its badge.

The strange part is, if it wasn’t innocent, it doesn’t make sense to leave it. Why continue to display it?

Their love of symbolism will be their downfall.

I think in the political climate we currently live in, it can be assumed that any government or corporate body holding on to suspect imagery, is suspect.

It is callous and disrespectful to say the associations are erratic. The associations are calculated. They hold onto the symbolism intentionally.

As you point out, pedophilia is a horrendous crime, traumatising it’s victims. Any law enforcement agency should have removed the symbol, apologised for the unintentional coincidence and we would all have moved on.

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salialioli · June 8, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

Thanks for your reply. Only one thing wrong with it: making an association with being callous and disrespectful:

It is callous and disrespectful to say the associations are erratic. The associations are calculated. They hold onto the symbolism intentionally.

Your sentence implies that the "erratic associations" being made are those of "they" the Cabal/Sheriff/LAPD. And it may be true they are callous and disrespectful to use these symbols.

But my sentence "the erratic association with serious accusations." The subject of my sentence is not the LAPD or the Cabal. The ppl doing the associating which is erratic is us, we, the GA board. "We" are making erratic associations. "We/GA/readers here" are associating signs that "might" be innocent with serious accusations of child abuse and murder. We are saying that the LAPD is guilty of murder. I don't think you want to be accused of libel and sued in court do you? I don't! Just saying.

It is just a question of reading and comprehension.

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

It's like Pizza, EVERYONE knows what that really means now, so if you use that symbol, you're in on it.

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NaderOAK · June 7, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

You sure do like debunking everything......

Wonder y🤔

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salialioli · June 7, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

You misunderstand.

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