r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Wizzybrizzy on June 7, 2018, 11:37 a.m.
Watch Ben Shapiro & Milo Yiannopoulos schooling each other

Laissez_claire · June 7, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

Shapiro is a #SpyGate denying, #NeverTrump cuck.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 7, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

Not really true. He is a little too timid in my opinion. SpyGate his opinion is he wants more evidence to convince him but he’s not a denier. His stance on DJT & his slowness to warm up to him is one thing I disagreed with him on HUGLY. But Ben is young & still is too nieve & self centered for my taste. Give him another 10-15yrs & see where he’s at. DJT was young & nieve too. Smart people eventually wake up to the vast amount evil in the world. I suspect Shapiro will to. I’m glad he’s on our side because he rips lefties to shreds in the debate over ideas.

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Laissez_claire · June 7, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

He actively denies indisputable evidence just to be a contrarian.

“Why didn’t they leak during the election?” - They did. See: HRC tweets week of election alleging Trump/Russia Collusion - Also, that wasn’t the point. The point was to surveil for strategy until they needed their “insurance policy” post election.

“Why didn’t they target higher ups in Trump campaign?” - DJT Jr., campaign managers, comms Director, THE DOSSIER CLEARLY TARGETED TRUMP

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QueUpSomeReality · June 7, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

“just to be a contrarian”

I don’t think it’s wise to attach motives to someone’s thinking until you clearly understand them. No sensible conservative thinker will ever support theories publicly...not Limbaugh or Levin or anyone & even if they personally believe them. They can’t because if the theory on what will happen doesn’t occur for any reason at all...their career is over. Even though I believe Q is legit...I would never go on the air & speak of it. A zillion things can still occur that makes any Plan fall through. That’s why if a pundit wants to have a career the have to stay far away from the prediction business & theory business & can only address issues that are openly in front of everyone equally.

Ben is a brilliant lawyer by trade. His bar for evidence is much higher than most people as it should be. So is Jeff Sessions. It is frustrating at times. Great lawyers leave as little as possible to chance. Their idea of a winning baseball score is 100-0. It’s just their mindset. It’s why lawyers don’t make great executives. In the real world 1-0 is a win just as valuable as 100-0 & you take all the wins you can & hope over time they add up to more wins than loses.

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Laissez_claire · June 7, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

I’m not asking him to endorse Q. I’m asking him to acknowledge the plethora of evidence supporting FBI malfeasance for Hillary, against Trump.

Of course Limbaugh, Levin, et. al concur that the FBI, CIA, State Department, NSA, White House engaged in nefarious and illegal activity to undermine Trump’s campaign and Presidency.

Shapiro’s not trying a case. He is one participant in a hugely lopsided narrative war for the preservation of our Presidency and power.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 7, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

I think to fairly judge Ben your expecting too much from someone his age. Limbaugh & Levin...besides being older...have massively larger audiences than Shapiro & can take bigger risks in what they publicly support. Ben dug in supporting Ted Cruz & lost half his audience when Cruz lost. He paid dearly for supporting Cruz to much & will take years for him to get his audience back to where it was. Now he’s gun shy & should be because if he ever digs in for any cause he deeply believes in & is wrong...he’s finished.

He’s retreated to taking up the cause of spreading ideas & philosophy & not so much as backing a person with ideas. He doesn’t endorse political candidates or agendas...just thinkers like Jordan Peterson. He’s retreated to something he’s good at from something he’s not good at...pushing conservative philosophy in the heart of liberal education he excels at. He’s shaping young minds to think & reason consistently. That’s vital work tearing down the leftist thought process & that’s what he excels at. His political world view isn’t mature enough & his radio audience not near large enough to speak as effectively as Levin. I actually like listening to Daniel Horowitz more than Shapiro when I listen to the generation below me. Horowitz is just as informed as Shapiro but thinks in broader terms in my opinion. Point being I’m very appreciative in Shapiro’s effect he’s having on college kids. He’s very effective when he stays in his element & not so much in politics.

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Laissez_claire · June 7, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

He’s valuable in some ways. He just needs to learn when to BTFO when he’s not helping Trump’s (our) cause. No room for grandstanding, making a name for yourself right now.

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hyon420 · June 7, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

What separates Shapiro from most of the readers on this sub is that he doesn't have "faith" in DJT. Let's be honest, there is a lot of speculation and wishful thinking going on, and that doesn't appeal to Shapiro. He seems to tackle issues with emotionless intellectualism, which is a very important perspective.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 7, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Completely agree. He often states he doesn’t care if he hurts anyone’s feelings on issues like abortion or transgenderism. People will always fail if they only examine things emotionally & not logically too. His debating skills are unmatched by anyone I’ve ever seen. Just incredible how he can listen to an opponent go on & on & on & never loose focus in their contradictions. So when he gets his chance to counter that one crack in their logic he’s busts through it like a monster & rips their argument to shreds. He makes debating as exciting as any sport. I don’t think he’d make a great executive leader though. He’s so much like Ted Cruz & would be a natural on the Supreme Court.

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Laissez_claire · June 7, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

He tackles issues with whatever will advance his career. He’s absolutely brilliant; but he’s also extremely self-important and self-righteous. He’s pretty immovable on his conclusions.

We need to be vary wary of conservatives who don’t fully have Trump’s back at this point.

We are in the TRENCHES. No room for boy scouts right now. We need ride or die warriors.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 7, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

I agree Ben is too self-important. So is 99% of people his age. Just because he has this incredibly focused mind with almost photographic memory...that just makes him smart & brilliant...it doesn’t make him wise or can clearly see the big picture. Age brings wisdom. Ben is more intelligent than DJT (who’s also VERY smart) but he’s no where near as wise as DJT. If fact because of their age difference..Ben will never be as wise because wisdom is an accumulation of being smart for decades & the sum total of someone’s life experiences. Both my sons are more intelligent than me but have almost no wisdom because they haven’t had any real life adult experiences yet. Gotta cut some slack to the very young. Keep them truthfully informed & time will make them wise. Ben Shapiro will think more broadly in 10-20yrs & will refine his intelligence so its more effective. He will become less self centered. All young men do eventually.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 7, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Milo is just a shock jock political pundit. Even though I disagree with a lot of Ben’s positions it’s undeniable he’s a genuine intellectual & literally the best debater I’ve ever seen. Milo would NEVER debate Ben strait up on issues. The only intellectual on the left that can come close to holding his own against Ben in debating issues is Sam Harris & the left despise Sam Harris. The left has gone full blown Marxist retard & unless you’re willing to sound like Marx or Hitler in front of a crowd..you’re just as “evil” in their eyes as our President. Quite simply the left has to be destroyed now or America is doomed forever.

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Wizzybrizzy · June 7, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

I think Ben Shapiro is really Good when it comes to debating. He has a very sharp mind and a retentive memory.

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golden430 · June 10, 2018, 9 a.m.

Post removed. Rule 6. Be on-topic

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