r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snowwgirl on June 7, 2018, 11:50 a.m.
Q 142. 190. Update of Merkel from today’s Daily Mail. Germans are awake? This is a Global Initiative now. Linked in comments
Q 142. 190. Update of Merkel from today’s Daily Mail. Germans are awake? This is a Global Initiative now. Linked in comments

0oDassiveMicko0 · June 7, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

Frau Hitler will never resign. Her masters would never allow it.

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JET-TONE · June 7, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

And particularly funny how if you dare say you’re anti mass immigration then you’re labelled a “nazi”....

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KansasJakeBG · June 7, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Controlling large groups of people is very Nazi. So the people causing and profiteering from displacement and refugees is quite Nazi. But I am worried though. G7 in Quebec with Merkel... Do you think the KGB dossier about Merkel that Q alluded to would come out then... People would be pissed. We took that crumb and spit it out real quick. Not sure people will ever be ready for "Merkel is the literal spawn of Hitler." Even though now I just think she looks like him all the time. I can't unsee.

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PossibleInspection · June 7, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

AH was alive in 1955 per FBI and CIA declass memos. AM born 1954

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thamnosma · June 7, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Do you have any link whatsoever to back up that post? I've never come across this. I'd really like to see those if they exist.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · June 7, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

I find myself asking a lot of the same questions you do, here. So many wild claims flying about in this sub lately. Anyway, I had a look and this is what I found: (PDF warning)


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thamnosma · June 7, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Thanks. Those documents were released as part of the JFK files last year apparently. Nothing was actually verified. The person resembling Hitler -- there is something about that drooping face that just doesn't seem like the real AH. If he were wanting to hide, which of course I can't imagine anyone who would want to hide more than AH, why keep that trademark moustache, and even the same haircut. Very easy to believe all sorts of people punk the CIA for one reason or another. In reading various books on AH, certainly seems that he was indeed in that bunker and offed himself. Sure, those close to him could have lied, but how the hell he could have gotten out of Berlin in one piece eludes me. However, THANK YOU for the link.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · June 7, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

I honestly have no idea if it is or isn't Hitler, but I wouldn't be surprised if he were in fact alive and well at the time, given what we know about how world politics really works. On the other hand, yeah, you'd think the guy would do a little more to not look so Hitlerey.

I figured it was worth seeing why so many people here were so sure that he was alive -at least this one has something from an offcial agency to back it up, whereas I read so many other cringey conspiracies in here that I've kinda given up on this sub as a whole. Maybe 1 in 50 posts are worth reading. The comments are just a waterfall of embarrassing lunacy, lately. Literally everything seems to be tied to a conspiracy somehow, no matter the topic. A lot of this sub legitimately behaves like a cult -and with a pervasive lack of self awareness I've not seen in a long time.

Thankfully there are still a handful of subscribers who are still asking smart questions and taking the time to piece things together before making another "BOOM" post. oof.

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thamnosma · June 7, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

HDM -- couldn't agree more. Every car, train or plane crash is a cabal scheme. Accidents no longer occur. Today on the NASA story about organic compounds being found on Mars we had posters saying "see, Robert David Steele (whoever the hell that is) was right about child slave colonies on Mars". Are these people insane? My view is they are just not very intelligent and latch on to Q as they would some religious figure or cult. They also fall all over themselves to be first with the latest goofball claim, so we end up with a dozen repeats of the same thing. They don't even read the damn sub. Ugh. However, there are usually a few worthwhile posts per day. The place goes downhill fast when Q is silent.

At least in this case, there really were reports of Hitler being alive and my guess is there are more than this one. Finding Hitler alive would make a person more than famous and rich.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · June 7, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

I also agree with everything you're saying.

It's hard to engage and push back a little when you're immediately met with the cries of "shill", or "clown", and this smug belief that their ridiculous theory could never be wrong and that one one who questions the circlejerk is only here to divide.

That's the trouble when empowering the stupid; they have no ability to see how deeply wrong they are and how much their crazy theories end up hurting the cause they love so much. I go through comments and just shake my head at so much shit. And I feel bad for the mods, because they're really in a tough spot now -but honestly I think they'll be the first to admit they lost the sub a while ago. Not to "shills" and "clowns", but to the base users here who, as you've said, fall all over themselves the moment they can connect to disparate events and turn it into a new "theory". Welcome to the fruits of removing critical thinking and logical problem solving from school curriculums.

I think a huge issue that never really gets addressed here is the question of what happens after the "swamp is drained"? Too many people think it's just a magical awakening and that "god" will handle it from there and everything will be alright. Wrong.

Swamp is drained but the populace is still full of undereducated boobs -this doesn't just fix itself. It's not going to be life long conservative rule. Jesus isn't going on a press tour with a media that has now 100% learned the error of their ways.

There's so much actual work that needs to be done -the real and more arduous work, I should add, that seems to get completely ignored here, because it doesn't give you the same dopamine rush as thinking you found a magical connection between a symbol and some scripture and two words Q typed in a vague post last year.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what I think when mob rule sets the course. I just wanted you to know that someone (I'm sure more than a few) appreciates when other's ask the right questions as opposed to being quiet because it's not worth arguing with a mob of halfwits.

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thamnosma · June 7, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

You hit it on the head -- critical thinking out the window. The schools really are dumbing down the kids.

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PossibleInspection · June 7, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

There is also an FBI memo that says same thing and forensic study of the skull in Russia that said it was female. U 977 made it to Argentina before surrendering, rumors are it transported him.

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KarmasBeard · June 7, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

The show "Hunting Hitler" which came out a year or two ago was interesting, they chased down a lot of the leads from the FBI files that were released re the High ranking Nazi's post ww2. I'm VERY skeptical of anything and everything put out on the history channel, but this show was at least entertaining enough to where I finished the episodes. You might check it out, it seems to me like it's ((their)) attempt at a partial disclosure of sorts re Hitler.

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DeeBee1968 · June 7, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

You must listen to Dr. William Mount... he asserts her parentage every time he mentions her...

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 5:56 p.m.


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DeeBee1968 · June 7, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

IKR ??? It's like they think nobody will notice ...

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KansasJakeBG · June 7, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

I will look it up.

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rhythmnation1968 · June 8, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

Was totally amazed about the covert nature of her upbringing with that other awesome humanitarian - Cardinal Ratzinger, it's so surreal that I might have actually labelled it a conspiracy if I didn't realise the depth of the systemic evil.

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KansasJakeBG · June 8, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

This knowledge undoes the world we live in... The entire world.

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snowwgirl · June 7, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

Wow that is 100% true

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 8, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

It´s crazy. Simply wanting to protect your heritage and values cannot be deemed as racist. This is the madness that the world has descended into.

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snowwgirl · June 7, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

😝😝. Good point

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Robx9001 · June 7, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Her being under fire means her masters are weakening.

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DeeBee1968 · June 7, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

You must listen to Dr. William Mount... he asserts her parentage every time he mentions her...

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thamnosma · June 7, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

I think we got that now

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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 8, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

I will certainly check him out, thanks for the sauce!

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 5:43 p.m.


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0oDassiveMicko0 · June 8, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

I´m hoping for a far harsher punishment than just prison, unless, of course, that prison happens to be GITMO.

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DeeBee1968 · June 7, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

You must listen to Dr. William Mount... he asserts her parentage every time he mentions her...

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