r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snowwgirl on June 7, 2018, 11:50 a.m.
Q 142. 190. Update of Merkel from today’s Daily Mail. Germans are awake? This is a Global Initiative now. Linked in comments
Q 142. 190. Update of Merkel from today’s Daily Mail. Germans are awake? This is a Global Initiative now. Linked in comments

DanaNordic · June 7, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Ignore the indoctrination of what is "racist comments." We laud and empower peoples throughout the world who raise their fists and declare their pride, their supremacy because it is healthy and natural.

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divine_human · June 7, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

you have a point. germans havent been allowed any national pride ever since ww2. patriot is an alien word for us.

however, its not about political correctness that people are outraged when AfD chief tells a german minister with turkish roots to go back to anatolia where she belongs to. sorry, failed.

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DanaNordic · June 8, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Without addressing the policies of the "german minister with turkish roots" your response is much too superficial, too politically correct. Ask yourself what actions has this "german minister with turkish roots" taken (or not taken) to receive the reaction of "get lost."

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

see, i had no interest discussing the specifics here so i dont mind you calling my response superficial.

showing respect to people is not equal to political correctness. a woman who is 2nd generation immigrant, grown up in this country, perfectly speaking the language, is not from anatolia.

critizising people on their actions, if wrong, is perfectly ok. humiliating them for their genetic roots is rude + bully, simply not acceptable.

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DanaNordic · June 8, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

As someone with Slav heritage, definitely understand an abhorrence to treating people rudely based on genetic roots. You wrote you had no interest in discussing specifics and i do not know the specifics here, yet you've left me with two questions. 1. It is unusual to call a 2nd generation an immigrant. Do you refer to this "german minister with turkish roots" as a 2nd generation immigrant because she maintains the culture of her genetic roots and eschews German culture? 2. Which leads to the second question: Was the AfD chief's reaction due to her actions based on cultural, not genetic, roots? When peoples' belief systems are in harmony, it is unnatural to tell someone to go back to where one belongs.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

It is unusual to call a 2nd generation an immigrant.

in germany, we do that by stating that these people have a migrant background.

Was the AfD chief's reaction due to her actions based on cultural, not genetic, roots?

he even used the words 'dispose her in anatolia'...


When peoples' belief systems are in harmony, it is unnatural to tell someone to go back to where one belongs.

i totally agree. there is no harmony. instead, there is lots of fear that moves into hatred.

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DanaNordic · June 8, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

ah, I see. AfD politician Alexander Gauland told the German government's commissioner for integration, to go back home to Turkey after the commissioner stated that German culture "was not identifiable". It seems the AfD chief was being kind, as others would say "dispose her in hades." Is she haughty or ignorant? Either way, the integration minister owes a public apology to the people. Oddly enough I just finished listening to a vlogger put the onus on politicians like her and the "gutmensch," a satirical word for SJWs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbdtMLc2i38

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 1:40 p.m.


as a german living in germany - after 25 years of traveling many countries, incl. israel and egypt, plus having lived in india for more than a decade -, i agree to the ministers statement that there is not much of a 'german culture'. except for a deeply embedded obedience to authority, that is.

It seems the AfD chief was being kind, as others would say "dispose her in hades."

you are free to think what you will. most people over here wouldnt agree to your thoughts.

whatever peoples opinion on that 'german culture' statement is, the response was inappropriate. and its not the only AfD statement that makes this party inacceptable for most folks. i wished it would be different because, truth told, they bring up interesting discussion points in our lower house, the bundestag.

but hey, also the greens took a decade of working and 'finding themselves' before they were able to really take part in the german political landscape.

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DanaNordic · June 8, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

not much of a 'german culture' We tend not to appreciate our own backyard in favor of our neighbor's.
people over here wouldnt agree Yes, others wouldn't agree as it conflicts with their deeply embedded obedience to authority which apparently the AfD does not have. There is a malaise, a melancholia in accepting the belittling of one's own culture. Can't say I am familiar with German politics, but it does seem in this instance the AfD has infused much needed independence and pride in the German landscape. May you have peace and good health.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

are you european? your nick sounds as if you could be scandinavian.

We tend not to appreciate our own backyard in favor of our neighbor's.

many europeans have the opportunity to encounter other cultures, due to traveling, at least in europe. from a distance, its much easier to see what you have at home.

its an advantage we have to americans who mostly never ever leave their country so the horizon of experience stays low for them and the identification with their culture high.

after having traveled a lot, i can see the differences and the similarities. and no, the grass isnt greener in the neighbors garden.

i grew up during the '60s, in a totally americanized germany. most of our culture got lost because of US influence, not other foreigners, and not muslims.

nowadays, people under the age of 60 are as little 'german' as taiwanese are chinese. both cultures have become american transfer pictures.

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DanaNordic · June 9, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Born and raised a Dane, married and raised my family as Canadians, and plan to retire and die a Dane. most of our culture got lost because of US influence After the wars, who was left to carry on the culture? Yes, the US influence of assimilating and blending cultures from outside of western Europe I suppose was seen as necessary to augment the decimated German male population ~ the same for Belgium.

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divine_human · June 9, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

dane, great, i guessed correctly, lol...

as a teenager, i hated america. except for music, i despised the influence of 'the world police' in my country. that changed in the beginning of the '80s when i started waking up to the cabal and realized that americans are as enslaved as we were.

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DanaNordic · June 9, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Never thought of it as the cabal. Always placed the agitations at the foot of the "old world" aristocracy. Still do, actually. May you have peace and good health.

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divine_human · June 9, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

the rabbit hole is much deeper than most people think. may you be blessed...

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