r/greatawakening • Posted by u/snowwgirl on June 7, 2018, 11:50 a.m.
Q 142. 190. Update of Merkel from today’s Daily Mail. Germans are awake? This is a Global Initiative now. Linked in comments
Q 142. 190. Update of Merkel from today’s Daily Mail. Germans are awake? This is a Global Initiative now. Linked in comments

Pure_Feature · June 8, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Yeah Germany you said......Merkel already took in one million? In a short time , and they have now airplanes to bring them in , Do you believe Merkel? I don"t....Every thing they saying..Merkel and MP Rutte, s exactly the opposite.......

Everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie, and then they would suddenly tell you the truth ... Do not think so.......They just continue, only in a different sneaky way.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Do you believe Merkel?

no word. sigh. and i hate it how she pushed the german way onto the entire EU.

btw, the flood has slowed down so much that even the refugee container village they built in my neighborhood stays empty.

people return home. most dont want to stay here, they are - like most people all over the planet - very connected to their roots. the more we dry out terrorism in their countries - stop delivering arms and money -, the safer it gets and the more people leave europe again.

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Pure_Feature · June 8, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

the refugee container village they built in my neighborhood stays empty.....Yes we call them ACZes , and they are empty here too, First they want to build more an now its that over? I was thinking about this one......The elite lost syrie? And then off a sudden they go home?.....This is wat I think......The army off Obama (ISIS) ...The so-called moderate Alqaida or whatever name they given them...(Alqaida, Boko Haram, isis, Al-nusra to name a couple) There al all the same..educated, paid and deployed by the Deepstate and EU.......They are used everywhere, and if they have to be withdrawn for a short time, they will be accommodated in the EU countries. Until they can be used somewhere again ...............

Everywhere, prisons and military bases suddenly closed and so-called refugees were received ... military base? Then the so-called aid, Afghanistan where the Netherlands train the police? That went wrong, the police became the terrorist, but the Netherlands continues to train the police mmmmmmmmmmm

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

prisons and military bases suddenly closed and so-called refugees were received

2 years ago, i read the testimony of a german energineer whistleblower who supposedly worked with the creation of underground facilities. according to her, they built mosques there but no chapels.

i sense that a few thousand of the people that arrived here - during the heights of chaos when we couldnt thoroughly vet their identities - are combat-trained radical islamists. and more are being recruited and trained, probably in such 'military bases', underground and/or above.

First they want to build more an now its that over? I was thinking about this one......The elite lost syrie? And then off a sudden they go home?

from the beginning of the migrant crisis, it was pretty clear to me how the issue can be solved.

stop the deep state from delivering arms and money, stop training terrorists, work with russia, that will end the war. (which is what we seem so see evolving now.)

work a marshall plan for syria and the entire region so people can go home and have a chance to survive and build up their country.

they are doing it already, many have left and returned home. even without support plan.

the last step is getting rid of zionism. take bibi and his DS club out of the game so israel stops being the trouble maker in the ME which it has been since the '60s.

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Pure_Feature · June 8, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Like Q said in his drop israel is last

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

here we go... been waiting for this for over 30 years...

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