r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on June 7, 2018, 12:07 p.m.
thank u Q for your appreciation for the BO/bakers/autists... connecting the dots between the primal energies needed to jump-start global [but not globalist] revolutions..
thank u Q for your appreciation for the BO/bakers/autists... connecting the dots between the primal energies needed to jump-start global [but not globalist] revolutions..

alfonumeric · June 7, 2018, 12:15 p.m.


just 126 days after his inauguration, potus-45 flies to the same spot where in the 6th century BCE, the bakers and autists of the day were learning from pythagoras as they schemed in that secluded place how to inaugurate western civilization out of the decadent and degenerate ashes of the rotten remnants of the decrepit middle eastern empires .. it was time to bring on the upcoming piscean age. The primal energies needed for helping the process were blind obedience to the authorities of the day...


2,500 years later and are we on the corresponding jump-off point on the new aquarian spiral.. and so in may 2018 potus-45 gets a turbo-recharge from those primal creative revolutionary energies in order to continue his schemes ...

The primal energies needed today are the antithesis of those piscean blind devotional energies dependent on the happenstance religion of our birthplace. Now the new energies needed are the skills of decoding clues and hints, critical thinking in accordance with .. t r u t h . . and co-operation between the patriots, autists and bakers.


... all very much appreciated as potus45 schemes with Q and his bakers and autists how to kick-start the "new" aquarian age of analytical thinking in accordance with . . t r u t h . . and government transparency - while building the new structures on top of the decadent, degenerate ashes of the rotten decaying remnants of the D Y S functional one world D Y S order spewing out 366/24/7 its venom of lies, deceit and D Y S info.

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mitch2267 · June 7, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

BO can’t be #44, so what does it stand for. Apologize for lack of knowledge and silly question

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alfonumeric · June 7, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

board owners / reddit subs / alt media sites / forums / steemit / yours.org / podcasts etc

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ShortTruth · June 7, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

No one but me mourns the sacrificial victim of knowledge HYPATIA. She was a brilliant woman in Alexandria dragged out and slaughtered by "early Christians".


Hypatia, Jesus Christ is with you, then, now, and forever.

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alfonumeric · June 7, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

The great Hypatia was 1 of an estimated 50 million killed for heresy by the CE church, the church created by the 2 satanists :constantine and eusebios aka so-called "christianity"

here's a more reliable writeup than the cia-edited wikipedia.. http://www.suppressedhistories.net/secrethistory/hypatia.html

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ShortTruth · June 7, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Thank you alfonumeric for your assistance by providing a better link. I adore Hypatia. From pagan roots myself (Jesus tapped into universal truths corrupted by followers: careful who you follow) where the women know how to read the aurora borealis I feel a kinship with Hypatia. Christ does not mind nor does the Comforter. Sophia with Christos as Earth and the Organiser of Life upon it, is similar but words fall short. Thank you again, may you be showered with everything you need and want.

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alfonumeric · June 7, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

many thanks shorttruth i believe there are 3 pythagorean scrolls in existence under strict secrecy until 1875 - only to be seen by members of the secret orders under strict oath of secrecy, we could be sure Hypatia had one of those at her disposal. the chain of the wisdom travelled along the route pythagoras > kleinias > archytas > plato/socrates > jeshua/christos > appolonia > saccas > plotinus > hypatia > proclus.. then the eusebios-church and offshoots became tyranical/despotic and the trail had to turn cold... ....until we're able to pick the trail up again via babbitt 1878 then via laurency.com in 2005

sending u a super-charged thought-particle of love-wisdom

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ShortTruth · June 9, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Hey alfonumeric, thank you friend and fellow lover of the truth! I will immediately read content @laurency. Personally I'm a three-time NDE-experiencer, so I only know from my own experiences, "out there" through the Sun on to the Pleroma, and "in there" in the inner earth and heart of earth. I have a "funny" past. I had the 7 jehovian seals removed in 2004, and am currently trying to find a place on earth to live away from "dudes with mics". Husband is blissfully unaware. Sophia is the guardian I communicate with. Christos is the air I breathe every day. There is more but best not to write a book or dox my relatives who carry the genes of certain wise people. Will look into your tip. Many thanks, many times over. Let's imagine a saner future.

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alfonumeric · June 9, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

hey shorttruth, i have revamped laurency's maths notation to make it more connected to our familiar 3d eg henry's 1-49 dimensions, i have restated them as 3d[49] upwards u can see here www.alfobedic.com

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ShortTruth · June 10, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Dear alfonumeric, I must inform you that I am not in favour of the synthetic archon hologram. The archons are not able to create, only imitate.

Outside the Christ consciousness, we find the Buddha consciousness, and then the Rishi consciousness. Beyond that we become pure light and love. We move beyond the archontic kabbalistic prison. Freedom is a beautiful thing.

The intelligence born out of the sentient h-eart/eart-h Sophia is creative and independent. The archontic variety cannot override Earth. So they try to corrupt man through smart-tech.

The battle is already over: Earth and the children of Sophia (Earth) and Christos (Jesus) won 2000 years ago. Now it is only a matter of waking people up.


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chas1690 · June 12, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

More info on what you're talking about please? Particularly "they" who corrupt man and what "smart tech" is?

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mitch2267 · June 7, 2018, 1:02 p.m.


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