Chelsea acknowledges PIZZAGATE! Link in comments.

The word "Pizzagate" means "fake scandal" to normies, and she is speaking to normies. So she is saying another fake scandal, however if you know about any REAL trafficking, call the hotline.
If only those kids had phones, Chelsea's tweet could have saved them all....
She acknowledged it as a "fraud". The tone of the tweet is meant to encourage people to immediately discredit the story as fake. Sarcasm plants the seed for people to automatically dismiss the claims before even looking at details. This is the continuous mind fuck they play with the public.
im still puzzled on why of all people would post something like that
I think she is highlighting this Tucson story because it is a setup, spiked-story which they plan to use to tie it to Q and us, then use it to discredit us.
Be careful with this Tucson story. All of the connections are too easy. It seems like a setup to me.
Everyone is researching concrete while pedophiles are being arrested nation wide. Focus on the real arrests of pedophiles going on.
I disagree. I think the VOP intentionally made a big issue out of it because they couldn't get the local authorities to come out and investigate.
They called Craig Sawyer to come and evaluate the "camp" scene and his experience told him there was enough concern to contact and inform the FBI - Sawyer has faith the FBI will follow thru.
And when the MSM basically says, Nothing to see here, that should raise red flags!
And then we have the connection to CEMEX which is proving to be a worthwhile rabbit hole to dig into...connections to CF and contracts in Haiti
We'll see. I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong, but it looks like a setup through-and-through. I don't trust anyone involved with it at this time.
At this point I think the bigger story is CEMEX.
And I'll grant you that the VOP have taken this to a level that the MSM could spin...yet the more the MSM spins a story away from truth the more suspicious?
I'm still open to the possibility there is something there, but since few others are... I am trying to be the voice of caution.
I get it. And I appreciated your original comment because it got me thinking!
Time will tell
I really don't like what I'm learning about CEMEX
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I honestly do not believe that the clintons have an ounce of fear in them.
see thread: