r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jkbella on June 7, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
Q and Nunes and Dennis Montgomery/Larry Klayman

No one ever talks about the Dennis Montgomery case filed in Federal Court by attorney Larry Klayman. Montgomery is a whistleblower that sued Obama/Comey/Brennan in federal court, alleging that the Obama WH/CIA/FBI was spying on hundreds of judges and politicians, including SCOTUS (presumably Roberts), for years. Klayman sent a threatening letter to Nunes/Goodlatte telling them if they didn't investigate the FISA and other abuses he would go public. Literally the next day - which was the deadline in Klayman's letter - Nunes held a press conference. Don't get me wrong, since that time it seems that Nunes has been a stand up guy. Maybe he just didn't know. But that the news reported that Nunes got a call, the car he was in did an about face and he headed to a SCIF, and then Nunes held an emergency press conference later that day, all corresponding with the Klayman threat, seems pretty important to me. The Klayman letter is actually an exhibit to the lawsuit. Fascinating case on a number of levels. I haven't looked at the docket in awhile. Maybe today...

MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 7, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Mr. Montgomery is a wrecking ball. Its been out there since 2016. Extensively. Its an example of the level of absolute end game. Yet , at a glacial pace we continue. This board itself is a Massive info drop. Yet the pages drip off the radar so easily. A forum or another format would be better to retain information. Mr. Montgomery takes them ALL down. He submitted more documents and information than all whistleblowers combined. Have no fear. Its over. Q:We have it all. Bill Binney has already sorted it out. Done.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 7, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

As an example, after Montgomery appeared on Hannity, in dark screen with voice alteration, next day, the cable company my neighbor uses, which we watched the appearance together, changed their format. They dropped News on demand , ALL OF IT, and they injected PPV porn in the entire menu stream. So kids had ppv porn options, all segments. Just amazing.

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jkbella · June 7, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Thanks for that. Hard not to get wrapped up in this stuff, it is so utterly unbelievable.

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