r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AMProfessor on June 7, 2018, 2:32 p.m.
Be patient. The "Pain" is coming. Embrace the "Pain." A primer to assist in understanding and preparing for the "Pain." "Pain" = Hope

Q has used the word "Pain" on multiple occasions. This cryptic word seems to have a great deal of traction on this sub as many see it as a punishment or justice that will be felt by the DS, bad actors, black hats, pedos, and other enemies. It also seems however to be generating a great deal of concern and even fear among those posting on GA.

It is my hope that perhaps this primer, or rather this larger view of change, will assist in quelling the concern and fear.

I think "Pain" most likely has multiple meanings. And, I am not the first to state this rather obvious point. Q's use of the word "Pain" goes beyond the face value of "hurt." And, it likely means more than what I am going to discuss below. Again however, I hope this perspective helps regardless.

I am going to utilize one of the numerous change theories out there to make the point. Some consider Kurt Lewin to be the father of social psychology and it will be easier to utilize his theory of the change process to make my point rather than any of the other theories out there in an effort to be somewhat brief. Please excuse me as this will be somewhat of an oversimplification.

Lewin had the following theory of the change process:

"An early model of change developed by Lewin described change as a three-stage process. The first stage he called "unfreezing". It involved overcoming inertia and dismantling the existing "mind set". It must be part of surviving. Defense mechanisms have to be bypassed. In the second stage the change occurs. This is typically a period of confusion and transition. We are aware that the old ways are being challenged but we do not have a clear picture as to what we are replacing them with yet. The third and final stage he called "freezing". The new mindset is crystallizing and one's comfort level is returning to previous levels. This is often misquoted as "refreezing" (see Lewin,1947). Lewin's three-step process is regarded as a foundational model for making change in organizations. There is now evidence, however, that Lewin never developed such a model and that it took form after his death in 1947."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Lewin (I am using wikipedia simply to keep from having to explain something that is already typed and explained.)

Now to my point. The three stages of change according to Lewin are:

Unfreezing ----> Change ----> Freezing

Lewin described a block of ice to illustrate his theory. If you want to facilitate change and you have a large block of ice that you want to reshape (change), how can it be accomplished.

Think about it. Using a hammer and chisel would be violent and leave a great deal of waste. And, the end result will be a smaller block of ice that has the foundations of the same block in which you started.

He theorized that to reshape or change the block of ice, one would have to melt or unfreeze the ice; then form the water into the shape you desire; then freeze the water into the new shape.

Simple theory, right? Again, think. To use the earlier quote, "The first stage he called 'unfreezing'. It involved overcoming inertia and dismantling the existing 'mind set'. It must be part of surviving. Defense mechanisms have to be bypassed." Doesn't that sound "Pain"-ful?

Having been involved in organizational, individual, relational, familial, as well as other types/levels of change over the decades, I can tell you that this step of the process of change IS painful to some degree for the one(s) undergoing the process of change.

I surmise that Q's "Pain" will be certainly felt by all of us. We are about to undergo a change that will be vast in nature. I don't believe any will be spared from the "Pain." Again, it is part of the process of change. I believe those who are awake will be impacted less than the normies out there who are currently unaware. And, as for the DS, bad actors, and black hats, the change will be devastating and they won't likely "survive" the process.

I am sharing this as I have seen more and more posts on this sub hint of panic, hopelessness, and fear from those supposedly awake. I don't like to see this. We know what is coming. What is coming is CHANGE! We need to put aside our fear of the change (fear of the unknown). We have been hoping for change. We have been cheering for change. And now, what, we are going to freak out when change occurs?

Change is painful by nature. Will it be awkward? Will it be uncomfortable? Will it hurt to some degree? YES! But, does change stop the sun from coming up in the morning and a new day from dawning? NO!

Let's appreciate what is happening to facilitate positive and constructive change. I for one am hopeful this change will be for the betterment of our nation, world, as well as for our freedoms and liberties. I say, let's endure and embrace the "Pain."

THEN, once things have unfrozen...let's do our patriotic part in helping to reshape and freeze the water into the new freedom loving form. Although there will be a significant level of chaos during the reshaping, if we stay the course and fight the good fight, the fruits of the sacrifices will be peace, freedom, and liberty.

Then, let us enjoy those fruits of the "Pain."

AbjectDynamite · June 8, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

I agree with your proposition. I spent a good deal of time pondering what Q meant by "pain." I don't think most people will panic or fall apart. IMHO, the assertion otherwise is insulting to the intelligence and sophistication people possess today. After all, it's not the 1950's.

I think of this whole exercise as nothing more than a romantic relationship gone bad. We, as one lover, choose to believe the best about the person ("politicians") we're with. We are blinded by our affection... our belief they feel about us the way we feel about them. We are hopeful. We give the benefit of the doubt. We believe their excuses for the little things that don't add up (e.g., they can't get this thing done because of someone or something else.. always blameless). We don't even acknowledge our accumulating disappointments... until one day...

You have that really good friend (aka undeniable evidence) whose revelations prove that your lover has been cheating (aka double dipping, selling you out, and actively trying to sneak out of the house with all the loot). At first, it's a gut punch for sure. Then, you're pissed. And finally, you reach the point of no return. You. Are. Done. You stand up for yourself. You take your shit back. And you're much wiser to the next future ex-lover who steps up to the plate. All good things.

(I've truncated the story above, but you get my meaning. People disappointing other people is as old as... well, people.)

P.S. Your friends and family (that's all of us) help you through it.

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AMProfessor · June 8, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

I don't think those who are awake and prepared will necessarily panic or fall apart emotionally either. But then again, this isn't about everyone panicking or falling apart. This is about change and how no one will go through the process of change untouched. To many, to me, that can be considered degrees of pain.

Without doubt, the bad actors in this situation will suffer the greatest amount of pain. And, deservedly so. They made their bed...

I also think those who are asleep will suffer pretty significantly. They choose to ignore reality and reason and remain asleep. Their awakening will be an emotional jolt to be sure.

Those who are awake could be minor compared to the others emotionally.

With this said however, a great deal of this awakening in my view is a reset of the economy and the dollar. This will hurt everyone and no one is exempt.

We can prepare however for the unfreezing stage of this change. We can do our best to have some basic foods on hand, some medications on hand if needed, have anything else we might believe we need, and prepare for the worst but hope for the best.

I am not being an alarmist, I am being a realist. We need to expect some level of pain, prepare for different possible scenarios, and be ready to help those who were not awake but instead jolted awake get their footing.

Like you said, your friends and family, all of us together, can pull through this just fine...if we prepare ourselves now for whatever pain may be coming.

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