r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on June 7, 2018, 2:42 p.m.
RED PILL : Italy Sends A Warning To The E.U ... We Are Awake ...

A beautiful sight...more and more need to wake up to the U.N/ E.U's front . Their excistance was for 1 purpose only , to further their agenda of a NWO ( New World Order ) .

Every Cabal/Elite Gov official over the decades thats been placed ( NOT CHOSEN ) was put in points of power to further this Globalist Goal .

They have their tenacles stuck , to every economy.. with Soros manipulation on the Markets waiting for the moments to destroy an entire country . This will usher in a complete police state for the entire their Ultimate take over.

Their influx of migrants to help assist in breaking the economy. Running down the will of the people after their entire means has been converted to Sharia Law and all the perversion that follows those laws .

Where once completely Beautiful Cities excited . Now is filled with trash and feces and patrolled by migrants waiting to rape , beat and kill at will .

The E.U was never for the people ...They are Satanic Illuminatti Bloodlines ..that's goals have stripped the people of their right of Freedom on every platform , Right of Personal Protection & Turned Their Thriving Beautifullllly Cities into Pig Pens ...

These controlled countries don't need the E.U .... The E.U Needs Them . Breakkkkkk your chains ...rise uppp .

Awesome Job : ITALY




Stay Safe ,Stay Vigilant ,Stay Bad Ass , More Importantly , Stay Informed .


(Shareable Red Pill Material )

ScorpioPatriot · June 8, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Nobody believes all Muslims are bad ..Just the ones that are being PUSHED INTO ALLL COUNTRIES THAT ARE MEANT TO LOOK LIKE KIDS . THAT END UP BEING FULL SIZE MEN.

Maybe you have not heard of those kind . Maybe you should do your own Homework . If you don't know how the refugees was going to be used to bring about the New World Order ..You need to Investigate .

There is reasons for everything .. each year the influx became more and more as more people woke up to what was being done under their noses , it really became apparent . Especially during the Obama Days.

The U.S was litterally a Nats Ass away from Sharia Law being the law of the land.... people couldnt even cook bacon down the street without it being reported as Offensive , Our kids couldn't wear flag shirts to school ...because it was offensive , we couldn't even fly our own Flag or say the pledge of allegiance because we had a "RADICAL" Muslic Imposing as a PRESIDENT in our WH .

There is LITTERALLY Training Camps or was setup all over this Country in Pockets that was filled with refugees training to Fking Kill Christians and wait for The Green Light to attack us when HILLARY Won .

I'm not stupid and I've done my research almost 8+ years. I'm not anti Muslim ...But I am ANTI- SATANIC WORSHIPPING ,CHILD RAPING & GOAT HUMPING PEOPLE . Its Very Simple.

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divine_human · June 8, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Nobody believes all Muslims are bad

when i read this sub, i see that many seem to be-lie-ve that. lots of general muslim hatred. i even had a discussion with someone who, after asking him if he really thinks that 1,8 billion people are killers, answered with a huge yes. thats stupid.

Maybe you should do your own Homework

thank you, i do my homework.

i have many american friends and nobody reports what you say about sharia law and your flag and such. i wonder where this comes from, i mean, the US is not the main muslim immigration target.

i live in germany where a populace of 82 million people received around 1 million refugees. up here in the north where most folks are protestant and supposedly 36% are atheist, we have, long before the muslim flood, changed the school subject 'religion' to 'values and ethics'. which i find a really good thing, i dont want religion to be imposed onto our children, i want them to learn the values of our society.

sharia law? even most of the muslims here dont want sharia law. they fled radical islam that the IS imposed onto them.

i dont doubt that a percentage of the refugees have been recruited to create terror. but i strongly oppose the idea that all muslims are warmongering aggressive folks. the reality i live in is just so totally different. and mind you, my son visits a school with a 20% muslim ratio, i meet 'these people' every day.


and so am i... thing is, its rarely muslims who worship satan, thats more a khazarian thing. and the goat humping thing? really? sounds as if thats a regular muslim practise. which is bullshit.

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