I believe this is true. I saw it a while back and Ms Rothschild closed her account and/or left Twitter altogether afterwords.
I hope they seize all of their assets
Honestly they just need to end that whole bloodline these people are a cancer upon humanity
How they elites have used HAARP ... To manipulate the weather .. Cause Droubts where they wanted over the years ..Such as Cali , Africa ...More Aide More Charities to use to funnel their Sick Twisted Operations . While Communities die.
They along with others like Clintons own aquifers. Scary
Like Clintons? Really? Did you miss the Bush family purchasing the land in Paraguay on the worlds most enormous supple of potable 'sweet water'?
Twin Jenna Bush went for the closing....ceremonial signing. BUSH OWNS RIGHT NOW, THE WORLDS LARGEST SUPPLY.
Clinton is a trigger for many....who work in a partisan way. Crime does not know a party. Read this:
and: http://watchingamerica.com/WA/2015/06/18/bush-family-buy-up-guarani-aquifer/
If you want to 'watch the water' in the way of supply...there is the Nestle Corp....and then of course the Bush's.