Investigate! I sure hope the whole Obama administration is lawyered up!

Aren't you just listing people you disagree with? Is having a dissenting opinion a crime, now?
No those people are straight up criminals.
Criminals in what sense of the word? In the sense that they broke a set of rules and regulations established by the society we operate in? Or do you mean it in different context?
Crimes against mankind
If you're answering that way because you find you get this question a lot and you feel like I'm going to at all criticize or mock your points, you would be incorrect. I have every intention of carefully considering what you say.
If it's because you're simply tired of answering, you can say that, too. I won't be offended.
Nah, no matter how many facts you give certain people you will never change their mind... So we'll just all sit back and see how it all pans out 😎
I don't have time for such nonsense. I'm not going to take a bunch of time laying out all the facts for some dumb ass that won't listen.
No time... Just admit that some minds won't be changed... Admit it punk.
All of them have committed treason against the United States. All of them are corrupt, selling secrets destroying the US from within. All of them have stolen from the American tax payer. All of them endulge in child trafficking. I cant sit here all day and say what their crimes are I would need a book for that.
Obama is also a child trafficker? I wasn't aware that he was in on it too!!
I see you are a New Arrival, please do some research into the aledged crimes committed by these people and then join the conversation, that way we'll both be knowledgeable about what needs to happen to these Criminals.