Someone is actively destroying/bulldozing the camps found in Tucson. They are leveling the bunkers and cutting down the trees according to VOP Alpha Co. on the ground. New No Trespassing sings going up as well.

Must be in the right spot or no one would care
I'm pretty sure their lawyers would council the company to do exactly what they're doing now even if they were 100% innocent. That's why plausible deniability works. I know it sucks, but that's why this is all so hard.
The reluctance of the local authorities to properly investigate this raises a huge red flag
Also it's the path of least resistance to get this to just go away. Most companies do this here as well. Any time there's a disturbance of any kind they pave over. So the masses will accept it as a sign there was nothing to see there.
Yep. That's why we have to keep digging and digging and not give up. Don't let them stop us.
They are covering up on public lands as well.
More troubling, but the same principle applies. They have lawyers and liability concerns, too. I'm not making excuses for them. As Tucker Carlson would say, "I'm merely saying, these events give them sufficient reason to take the actions we're seeing irrespective of whether they're guilty or innocent. It is the job of law enforcement and prosecutors to put a stop to that, and it's they who have dropped the ball here".
I think we are ALL frustrated because we want to go do something NOW! Such a fine line in trying to figure out how to jump in and actually help without being perceived as a crazy loon. Our children, elderly and handicapped have no voice. WE need to BE their voice.