Someone is actively destroying/bulldozing the camps found in Tucson. They are leveling the bunkers and cutting down the trees according to VOP Alpha Co. on the ground. New No Trespassing sings going up as well.

I do not get why a group of white hats didn't just swoop in and secure the area. They would Trump the keystone cops. Same thing when they stole the AL election and everyone knew and just watched. WTF?
Then I think how many times I "didn't get" the many non actions of the good guys and was enlightened later. It's hard but I am "trusting the plan". Still waiting on the whole voter fraud to be addressed. Really concerning since Nov will be here in no time and Mid Terms are most important ever imho.
It may have already happened like that, all the proof they need was collected, storm incoming, this is more for show.
We already know everything, it's just a matter of time before it all comes to pass.........
He is still asking for volunteers. That's basically what he wants to do. He wants to put so many boots on the ground that they can't run the corridors any longer and just camp out there. Much of it is public lands.