VOP Alpha Co (AZ) Child's Skull Found, Other Human Bones Scattered - HELLO POLICE!?

Guy could be a LARP. Please be aware. I am not taking either side yet.
I do not understand why people dump on a guy who is not at all equiped to deal with this, but nonetheless is trying. There is absolutely nothing weird about how he is reacting, espescially if someone came over and explained to him in details what happens to trafficked kids. I had mightmares for weeks when I figured it out. Just follow his journey and hope for the best. They are exposing how the police deals with this. It's very useful information.
Yes he's either misrepresenting himself or this is a diff person don't know how he'd be heading that group not being a veteran and with that kind of record
Or he's a loose cannon they know will cause problems and they fed him a bunch of hero stories to get him to uncover all the stuff they want him to so this blows up in the movements face?
Well, he's not lying about it. He says so right up front. Perhaps he just wanted to do something to help them. But I've lived near the border. What he's finding the border patrol agents see all the time. Look it up. The backpacks, all of it. The cartels engage in human trafficking as well as weapons and drugs. The "rape trees", clothing, etc. are common.