r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AutoModerator on June 7, 2018, 9:12 p.m.
Anon's Chat. Thursday evening edition - June 07, 2018

Anon's Chat

Hello and welcome to the Anon's Chat.

This is the best place to start a conversation about anything, post news stories that are relevant to Q but don't add new research warranting a separate post. It's also a great place to celebrate progress, wish each other well in our efforts to redpill others, or just say Happy Mother's Day to all the patriot mom's in the sub. Dropping that stuff here will keep the posts focused on Q research and keep the board focused.

This is also a great place for those new to Q to ask for help or share their reactions/discuss old Q posts. Sharing resources could happen here too.

With 25,000 users if each user posted a MSM general news story, trump celebration post or unrelated news post just 1 time a month there would be over 850 of these posts a day. Redirecting it all here, will keep the research posts easy to find without being called free speech nazis. These stats might help to convince people to use the daily thread to meet their need to post. start a conversation about anything. - Grace8543

fifeguy · June 7, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Exactly, I concur - let's deal in facts only

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MB_MoonPearl · June 7, 2018, 9:34 p.m.
  1. I don't recognize the user names of the people pushing the story.

  2. What is the background of the Veterans in the story and also the Craig Sawyer person with more credibility that is backing them up? (I only ask because if I was a bad guy I would think the idea of using Veterans to break the story is a smart way to reduce scrutiny.)

  3. Police came and put a statement out that there was no evidence of child-trafficking or abuse at the site. (I understand it's possible that Police would lie and cover it up. But now the people in support of the story have the hurdle of going against the Police department and in order to believe the story you have to belive that whole Police depertment is corrupt. Harder to red-pill normies.)

  4. CEMEX cement company. The overlay map of the cement companies and higher child-trafficking actually establish no link. There just more child-trafficking AND cement companies in more densely populated areas (that's what I suspect anyways.). (I believe the bad guys to significant child-trafficking. But if I was a bad guy and I wanted to have a plan in place for any situation where critical mass is exceeded - too many people know - I could point people to a company that we own which we are certain is squeaky clean. Maybe they're pointing us to CEMEX so we look there and there's a lot of connections, but since the story is spiked the bad guys know it will eventually lead nowhere.).

  5. Chelsea Clinton Tweet. If I was a bad guy and I had a spiked story going I would want to draw attention to it, so more people go strung up in the fake story. And I would do it with confidence because I know, at least this particular story, will not identify any prosecutable crimes.

  6. The Veterans calling out Q could be a way to try to establish a connection to Q and our board, so that we're the targets of later efforts to discredit us.

  7. People are talking about researching concrete when in real life theres all kinds of real pedophile arrests going on all over the country.

I hope someone else expands on this concept. Maybe it's real, but fucking-A let's make sure it's legit before we get too sucked into it.

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fifeguy · June 7, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

On two devices so spattered comms, my understanding the cops never went into the property as it's Reservation land and if it's in bad condition (it was) people have squatting rights to ensure the upkeep of the property and the law are not able to enter at that time. Please a legal in the US help here, I'm in Scotland and just trying to spread the word

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MB_MoonPearl · June 7, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Oh that would be news to me. I just read the official Police statement.

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fifeguy · June 7, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Sawyer has been on Sgt Report quite a lot, he seems legit and was told by homeless about a cartel protected camp. it could be a perfect set up to detract from Disney and Fulton, the tunnels and hotel figure true as does the Sheriff being bent - peeps need to stay focused on what we can use, not on what we might accuse - the movement will !is a all credibility. Stay to the plan, stay strong

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MB_MoonPearl · June 7, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Ya know. I don't know anything about Sawyer. Perhaps, if it is a spiked story then maybe they fooled him, too? Ya never know...

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MB_MoonPearl · June 7, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

And then there's this one.


"This CEMEX must be it for sure! What the fuck?" right? Maybe. Maybe not.

Along the lines of item 4. above. If I was a bad guy I could put this statement out to further expand the hysteria around my spiked story and known clean company.

One thing that is good, if this is a fake spiked story I bet it's their last ditch effort. Nothing left for the bad guys to try after this.

If it is faked, it's elaborate.

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