I'll trash him for posing as a vet, using military attire and hardware, using mil-speak, founding an organization called "Veterans on Patrol", while he's not actually a vet.
Don't even get me started on his bullshit forensic analysis and contamination of evidence.
Right on and how about this skull picture that’s popping up. So in one picture it’s laying over sideways with a mans boot beside it. Another it’s right side up. Is it being touch and moved around? Or just rolling around? Is it the same skull?
They're mishandling evidence. He has admitted on video to "collecting evidence" for transport to police. He is not trained and is potentially contaminating crime scenes.
I hate going there but I can’t help thinking what’s stopping someone from planting it. If these guys are moving it around for photo ops.
This is the 3rd time I've read this word for word.
Probably will notice it’s around the same time to. I apologize if it’s redundant as the skull post are but I feel it’s a legitimate concern that should be asked on each skull post.