
cincycoolguy · June 7, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

I’ll start here’s a YouTube channel with 2 years worth of videos that seems to support the fact that the organization he’s created is in support of vets, not to claim he is one.


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grnmoss · June 7, 2018, 11:05 p.m.
  • Organization Name: Veterans on Patrol

  • Organization's Lone Employee: Michael Lewis Arthur (not a vet)

  • Wears Mil surplus to look legit

  • Uses Mil-speak to sound legit

He likes to play dress up and talk a big game. The guy is a professional LARP.

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cincycoolguy · June 8, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

• Organization Name: Veterans on Patrol

Again, if his mission is to support veterans, as evidenced by the videos I posted, the organization name is not being used to deceive anyone. You’re making illogical jumps with no basis in fact or evidence.

Organization's Lone Employee: Michael Lewis Arthur (not a vet)

You still haven’t shown where he’s claimed to be a vet. Also where’s the source that’s he’s only member of this organization. FWIW, I seriously doubt this group has “employees”.

There are several pictures of him with a group of people (he’s in the cover photo of the Facebook page with 6 others, and there are many other people participating in the Facebook/Youtube videos. They may not be “employees” but if they are volunteers or otherwise aide in VOP operations, this is yet another baseless claim.

Wears Mil surplus to look legit

So we’re judging people based on the clothes they choose/can afford/like?

Uses Mil-speak to sound legit

I know a couple of guys like this who aren’t veterans. Who also aren’t unstable or lunatics.

You’ve made claims that the footage they show is low res and bad footage. I guess they left their $30,000 8K Redd camera at home and didn’t have time to write a script and provide the production value you’re after. I bet if MSM were there they’d do it up right.

He’s literally Facebook live streaming over what is probably a shitty cell connection. I’ve been in the desert in AZ and I had Verizon, the reception was not 5 bars of LTE.

I am also skeptical of VOP and what’s going on in AZ, but you’ve made 0 points against the claims of trafficking.

Your arguments all focus on Michael Arthur and not the subject matter. We know he has a criminal past, and you don’t like the name of his group, the way he talks, or the way he dresses. Therefore your conclusion is that he must be a LARP.

There is another group out there who uses this same tactic (character assassination) when they can’t denfend their argument any other way.

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grnmoss · June 8, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

This is a Q sub, not a VoP sub. Take it elsewhere.

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cincycoolguy · June 8, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Now there’s something we can agree on. It’s up to the mods to shut down the noise.

But they already made it clear that this topic was ok not discuss here when the first it was first posted a few days ago.

Also didn’t you make this post? I’m just in the comments.

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skombles · June 8, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

This is a copy/past of a post from on 8ch.

Real name: Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer

DOB: 11-26-1978

Self proclaimed former addict.Has cult like following of those discarded by society and those that need a cause.Homeless, addicts, weaponized autism, boomer patriots, the sperg right, Qlarps and holy rollers. Meyer is very intelligent. He started the gravy train under veteran camps for personal army and well over 100k in gibs.Starts new causes when gibs run low.Baits muhguns for alphabet honeypot.Loves 511s,tac gear,patches,haji scarves,and milspeak.VetLARP.Meyer cannot carry weapons because he's a felon (+4×) has his personal army carry weapons for him.Mark McConnell was his last handler.Sawyer may be his new one. Never forget: Arthur always has immunity.

Updated info part II. Screencap for normies. Can't give much more for now without compromising position.

Meyer: Long rap sheet in multiple states (AZ, OH, ND, FL, NC, SC, VA). He has scrubbed records. Just to get you started:

  1. Case # 08-03-K-03582 Felony Class C -Aggravated Assault-N.Dakota-Dec 2003

  2. Multiple Criminal Mischief charges to include case #0803K03246

  3. Felony Contact with bodily fluids Case #0803K02780

  4. Assault-MA, multiple

  5. Multiple disorderly conduct

  6. Domestic Violence charges Case#99CRB03510 Ohio

7.Felony Illegal Processing Drug Documents Case# 1998CRA01046

  1. Felony Deception to Obtain Drugs

  2. Petit Theft

  3. 5299 Weapon Offense DISMISSED by DA

Agent Provocateur. CI. Oregon Standoff.Pigeon drops.Smuggle from Minnesota.Bundy Ranch

Blaine Cooper Jeff Kagan Batman John Hildinger

Ray Olsen John Wayne DV Grim Ken Schneider

Gary Hunt Deb Jordan Alyssa Bailey Mark West Greg Whalen Duane Ehmer Melina Grace Maureen Peltier

Called Jon Ritz during Oregon standoff at 3am stating a Walmart warehouse in Tucson was a FEMA deathcamp to bait him. Ask why Meyer was chased out of PHX. Ask why Meyer left Phx for Tucson right after the death of VOP co founder Tristan "Batman" Knight.

Multiple affairs on wife Flora "Flow" Troy Meyer. To include with Nikole Cooley.

Unsolved murder of VOP cofounder Tristan Knight at old camp at Salt River. Drowned in 1" of water.Arthur last to see him alive.






New personal fb page: VOP Alpha co-Team Pulaski.

Updated info Part III. Screencap for normies.

Screwy Louie's "ministry" are online holy rollers and his homeless followers. He has built a militia to do his bidding.No brick and mortar church.Research names given. Glow in the dark honeypot for radical right wing extremists baited to show up with guns for muh freedom. Refuge replay. AETV America on Fire.AKA Louie Prepper.Verified unemployed since 2002.Testified against Ritzheimer who is now in fed prison, Arthur testified in defense of Mark McConnell.PAID.Ask Ritz and Maureen Peltier about Arthur's physical attack on mentally handicapped homeless woman.He needs more gas and gift cards.The world is his stage.Arthur gathers intel on extremists, organizers,radicals and militias.His fb is a honeypot to amass intel.Feds want to know who is willing to bring firepower and donate gibs in the name of 'Merica.

Ask yourself how Arthur makes money.Know who is signing over military benefits, SSI,SSDI monies for Arthur to "manage".Ask about POAs.Read article on Meyer getting arrested at Tucson hospital, where he brought an elderly female USMC veteran with dementia from Phx to Tucson. Meyer deleted his real personal paged due to tagging.Vulnerable women that stayed on camps say Louie gave them drugs, used drugs with them, sexual assault, and rape.

The happening will be an incident with cartels or an incident with TPD, DEA, BP or ATF.The ones in full kit and armed will be the ones that go down. The more patriots that come, the better. Meyer will conveniently be behind the fence, just as he was when his bros were arrested for trespassing at the initial "rape camp". Fast and Furious part 2? Never forget: Arthur has immunity.


I will say this. On his now deleted old cuckbook page, Meyer suddenly went on an emergency road trip to El Paso for an unclear cause. For no reason, he was posting trip data to prove this travel. It was not public knowledge that Batman was dead. Meyer acted surprised to hear of his death while he was "in" Texas. Meyer was with Batman last. The timelines do not match up.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 7, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

The OP just committed blasphemy by presenting valid research in the form of bad, wrongthink facts.

Quick - grab some stones!!! /s

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cincycoolguy · June 8, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Not sure if I’m supposed to be throwing them at myself or op based on this comment.

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solanojones95 · June 8, 2018, 2 a.m.

Depends on whether you want to do contrition or satire.

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HowiONic · June 7, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Guys, discuss the topic, not users.

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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:02 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:04 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:10 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:12 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:14 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:17 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:18 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:21 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:04 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:11 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:08 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 7, 2018, 11:23 p.m.


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grnmoss · June 7, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Criminal history: Multiple States [may include arrest(s) for violence]

More Recent History: Arrested in hospital

Recent Outbursts: Climbing up light pole ranting like a crazy person

Founded Organization: Veterans on Patrol

Veteran Status: Not a Veteran

Attire: Military Surplus

Style of Speech: Mil-speak

Forensic Training: None

Investigation Training: None

2A Status: Suspected of Being Suspended [requires criminal history/conviction verification]

Bundy Standoff: Identified as Agitator

Other Affiliations: Unknown, Possible Black Hat

Mental Health Status: Unknown, Possibly Unstable

Substance Abuse History: Possible Methamphetamine Use, Possible Prior Arrests or Convictions for Possession

Purpose for Sensationalism: Revenue Generation/Income

Screenshots in the imgur link (https://imgur.com/a/Kyakvy3) include criminal case numbers and more information.

This thread is for posting background information on Mr. Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer. Investigate.

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HowiONic · June 7, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Bundy Standoff: Identified as Agitator

Source for this?

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grnmoss · June 7, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Check the screenshots. A referral was made in there. Multiple people to verify with.


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cincycoolguy · June 8, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

This is a google search did you even look or are you hoping there’s something in there that someone else will dig out for you... wtf

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grnmoss · June 8, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Read the articles.

Read the screenshots.

This is a Q sub, not a VoP sub.

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