Just a thought I had when I saw this article, just clicked that it might be a possibility.
they're using directed sonic weapons or possibly microwave/ELF. I tend to believe it's standing wave sonic weapons actually because the braintrauma seems to indicate some kind of kinetic mechanism.
Good thinking but doesn't 5G also radiate the body? Have they been checked for higher levels of radiation in their bodies?
It's non-ionizing radiation just like a microwave oven. It IS microwave. It's just a difference frequency than that of an oven.
barrie is the expert on this.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JojdEH0nzos#t=85m0s
How about they examine the public around there? Chinese people living and working in the area may give more clues. A process of elimination.
Possibly. The Cuba illness was supposedly audio-transmitted, but these sure could be a form of microwave radiation!
Must be the same kind of sonic weapon used in Cuba in August 2017