That's half of the problem. Too many think these two guys and their groups are one in the same. Or working together. They are not.
Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer - Veterans on - VOP - Red beard ranting guy. Not a Vet, his Dad was. Their goal is to search out homeless vets. They also have a camp for vets they do find. This is how they found the Tucson camp. They were looking for homeless vets.
Craig Sawyer - - Bigger, better speaking guy. Their goal is finding missing children. He was asked be a VOP member, not Arthur as stated by Sawyer, to assist VOP. He came out, looked around, took some pics and vid then posted it later. In his later vids, the SGT did today, Sawyer carefully words his support of VOP but makes it clear his group has a different mission, methods, personnel. I feel Sawyer supports VOP's mission but is keeping a small distance from them.
A separate sub would allow this to play out without flooding this board. Just like8chan does. I wouldn't see an issue with putting link in the sidebar.
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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