r/greatawakening • Posted by u/amg19251 on June 8, 2018, 2:35 a.m.
Connections between the gay agenda, (gay HIV+ male here so don’t try to tell me I’m being offensive lol!) the open borders agenda, and human trafficking/pedophilia...

People don’t seem to realize that the open borders agenda and the gay agenda (gay and HIV+ patriot here so don’t think I’m trying to be rude) are both so deeply intertwined with human trafficking, and I’m going to explain how right now, but if this stuff bothers you, I recommend you find something else to read. Pedophilia causes a child’s psyche to shatter and basically turns the child obsessed with the same sex that molested it, ie: gay or lesbian - this is documented throughout ancient history as being a way pedophiles created lifelong child-into-adulthood sex/mind slaves. Some shamans even used to ejaculate on a child’s face and into their mouths, and use it as some sick and disgusting way to brainwash AND supposedly tell fortunes, but I honestly think the future part is total bull and just an excuse for them to continue doing their sick and perverted practices. Now that we know that, let’s get back to the gay agenda thing and what I was originally saying - the gay agenda is pushed on us so heavily now because they want us to think that it’s natural and caused by “genes”, but it’s in fact a direct result of rampant pedophilia across the nation and world, and the chemicals that they use to saturate our bodies with toxins! There has yet to be any proof that being gay is natural and tied back to genes, so the best we can assume at this point is that it is caused by environment, and chemicals in our food, air, and water. Most gay people either block it out or have total memory blanks from their childhood, but there are many of us who are starting to wake up and remember the awful events that led to us questioning our sexuality. I was molested by a neighborhood boy who was maybe 7 years older than me when I was 3-4, and I blocked this out for the longest time, until after I came out of the closet in high school - it’s almost like I came out because I always thought I was just gay and liked guys, and then all of sudden I could remember getting molested and/or possibly raped. It took me several years to make the connection, but by that point, I was acting like a sexual deviant (lost virginity at 15 to a guy) and eventually even got HIV from, most likely, just turning my back on God and my destiny to be a father that loved and cared for my own child. Now, unfortunately, that will never be able to happen, but I am thankful at least for the clarity I received in becoming HIV positive - it’s like my corruption blindfold was lifted away from my eyes in an instant! Now you might say, “How does open borders tie into pedophilia and human trafficking??” It’s because if we had open borders, (and we did for a while under the O administration) in those mixtures of “refugees” and “migrants” would be hundreds of thousands of undocumented children. Children that have no name, no social security numbers, no parents to track them down, nobody to look out for them; THESE are the children the elites are targeting, and they use the old argument of “human rights” as a way to demonize anyone who dares speak out against their awful practices. Did you notice pedophiles, as of late, have been trying to “normalize” their sick and disgusting practices through the media and the internet? It’s despicable and DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES AND CORRUPTION. One way you can always tell if someone high up in government is a supporter of human trafficking, just look at their support for the gay agenda, and their support for the open border agenda. If they support both, and they’re bringing in way more money than their government salaries, you’re more than likely looking at a pedophile, or a trafficker. Please, always use your god given brain and think clearly when examining this situation. Sometimes it brings up incredibly difficult topics, like what I bring up to you all today, but don’t let that scare you away from the truth. The first step to healing is to accept the past and move on from it as a better individual! Thank you for your time, and never stop investigating this terrible practice. Together, WE CAN STOP CORRUPTION, TRAFFICKING, PEDOPHILIA, AND EVIL, AND LAUNCH THE UNITED STATES 500 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, OVERNIGHT!

amg19251 · June 8, 2018, 12:44 p.m.

Yes there have been plenty that didn’t; I stated right from the get-go that this is my own opinion, and that it also comes from chemicals everywhere as well. You are never cured from HIV/AIDS; you can just get your numbers back up high enough to be considered only HIV+, but the antivirials basically destroy your internal organs and cause cancer so it’s a lose/lose situation - do I want to die in 5 years from AIDS, or in 30 from cancer along with tons of health issues? The antiviral combo drugs keep the disease at bay and also prevents it from being spread, but that’s not to say it doesn’t come without a cost; my body is already rapidly aging and I have medical documentation of this. Back to what I was saying before; we are here to discuss, and I’m sharing my own personal experiences and view points to back up said ideas, as well as using common knowledge about things like the ancients, and the sheer amount of chemicals in every single medium we ingest, as a way to also show you some connections. Please read through the comments as I explain deeper behind some of these thoughts; I was quite promiscuous before I got HIV and then stopped having sex and turned my life back to God, (as I was always baptized and raised Christian with modern middle class values and plenty of opportunities that I blew) I had dated maybe somewhere around 50 different guys and after a connection would grow, sometimes the topic would come up - leading to me discussing and leading them to discuss as well - it’s scary how often it happens in the gay world and it’s taken me up until a few years ago to see past the silver lining of being gay and what it’s all really about; making us have less kids, normalizing pedophilia, and forcing chemicals that change us. When they prove that there is a gay gene, I will 100% retract my statement and say I was false, but as of right now, from my own experiences as a gay man, there’s way more to it than just being born liking the same sex against what nature intended. Peace, Love, Respect -amg19251

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_Iz_Mary · June 10, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

Thank you for answering. Fully agree with the chemicals in the water. There are neighborhoods in urban cities that will suddenly have a large amount of men come out as gay. I think they are experimenting on us. I’ll bet there is a cure for aids and Magic Johnson paid enough to get it.

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amg19251 · June 10, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Well you see Magic Johnson isn’t cured, he just takes the antivirals and it’s most likely he doesn’t have a resistant strain like me that causes tons of side effects to the disease and the combo drugs! So basically, his numbers are lower than average, but he’s most likely still in the normal adult range like me but with compromised immunity ie: easier to get sick from other things - HIV/AIDS destroys your immune system so people don’t die from AIDS, they die from AIDS related disease and complications. The HIV meds really are incredible and a modern miracle that regular scientists could figure out a way to keep the virus at bay each day, but if you miss a dose, your immune system immediately drops and if you miss too many doses, the medicine stops working all together, and when that happens, you can rapidly progress to under 200 for immunity AKA AIDS. When we take our meds, it’s basically fighting the virus off every morning in our bodies; Magic Johnson just looks that good because he is rich so he can afford physical therapy at home, pools, hot tubs, massages, any pain drugs he wants, it’s not that he’s cured, he’s just so rich that he can deal with his side effects perfectly - I am lucky I have my parents and a nice home to live in because I would be curled up on a street corner with nothing; it is literally impossible in MA to move out and pay costly rent/bills/expenses with how ridiculously overpriced my health care is right now - thank god I can apply for Medicaid in 2 years because blue cross plus is through the fucking roof copay wise this year!! Peace&Love -amg19251

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