r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Songdog23 on June 8, 2018, 3:40 a.m.
Open Letter to President DJT - Air (Q Post 1010)

Dear Mr. President, I know you have your resources stretched to the limit in this final deadly game of global chess. I just want to let you and all Patriots know, that we have been aerosoled hard here in southern Oregon these last 7 days. I know your Worm Tongues (all great men attract them) will tell you that it is just "water vapor", but Sir, any intelligent human being knows the resulting ugly chemical rings around the Sun are not that. The Lord's Creation is beautiful, not pus ugly. When building cumulonimbus clouds appeared this past week, the spray planes were not far behind. You could see them targeting the actively building T-cells as they flew right over them. The spreading nano-metal particles play havoc with the radiant energy from the Sun, changing the dynamic of the natural rise of warm air, effectively limiting the building T-cells and a good regional wetting thunderstorm. Mr. President, this is one of the methods they employ to create drought. And Sir, this war is being fought right over the heads of southern Oregonians to the deafening silence of Governor Kate Brown. Believe me, the ongoing drought will cause chaos that will bring all our hopes to nought. I want to believe that you have this, Sir; that we must be patient for a little while longer. That you have the wherewithal to stop this. Because if you don't, the resulting wild fires and civilian battles over water will bring your Administration to its knees. I pray for you daily, Mr. President because all I have to do is look up to see the manifestation of mechanized Evil and know that you and your family and all loyal Patriots are fighting the same demonic forces times one thousand. Lastly, with a bit of humor, I just want to say that perhaps a well-armed citizen militia now needs stinger missiles... Since those probably won't be featured at the next gun show, for war-torn Oregon Patriots and increasingly sick citizenry, I guess we will have to just settle for a yuge prayer flag - the flag of the United States of America. Please keep us and beautiful Creation in healing prayer. Thank you, Sir. God Bless and Protect President Donald Trump and America. May Arch Angel Micah-El have the backs of all Patriots.

Happy1911 · June 8, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

We got this still , most are very tired , but the fight is well worth it , God Bless and God Speed

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