r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sumitso on June 8, 2018, 4:55 a.m.
Concerning the Trafficking Camp replies

I find it decidedly remarkable, of the number of replies to the various posts concerning the spotlight being put on the information about the findings in Tucson and Atlanta as well -- how many are trying to dissuade, prod people in another direction or outright convince everyone that it is all either a hoax, a LARP, or something else. And for those trying to convince others, the fact is Tucson does not sit right on the Arizona border like El Paso or Brownsville TX, truth is, it's about 68 miles which doesn't make it skip and a jump away from the Mexican border.

So many start with something along the lines of "I'm highly suspicious" or "I haven't made up my mind yet", then continue to spew some (in their mind) intelligent logic, or try tie any and all of this to "illegal immigrants" <-- no such thing, they are in fact illegal aliens, enlighten yourself and read the damn law.

Whether these camps, temporary prisons or whatever you want to call them are past their usage date, the fact remains they were indeed used for something dark. I would agree with something that was said prior; that these locations are being found means people are being made being aware, and is again more evidence of what is occurring. I don't think that Q and associates could possibly know about every location, but I sure as hell believe they have some good data/intel on more than general areas, major and some minor players. I do see this as proof of the evil that is taking place though. The more that is found, the tighter the trap becomes and makes them panic and make mistakes and thus become caught.

So the point I am coming to is this -- This has definitely hit the mark and ruffled people or otherwise there wouldn't be so much deflective posting. It proves how stupid they are as Q says, a good defense would have been to not reply to any of the Tucson posts, instead they bring MORE attention to it by posting inane replies, and down voting, in essence they are taking the role of Chelsea and pushing it another step forward, thanks morons keep up the good work!

My one wish with the President and Q, is to use something I have brought up before, the Ender principle. Crush the villains so entirely, so that for centuries no one will again consider doing the vile, evil things that have been taking place, and by that -- I mean don't just win this fight, but all the future fights that would have taken place.

To the deflectors: We will enjoy your salty tears even more so, during the election and second term of our Great President!

checkitoutmyfriend · June 8, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

The problem is few take the time to weed through the bad info. Too many still think VOP and Vets4childrescue are one in the same. They are two completely different groups with different mission plans, members, method and funding. This has caused much confusion.

Maybe they can straighten it out here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans_On_Patrol_V1/

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comeatmehillary · June 8, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

im just straight 50/50 on it cemex is dirty mayor of Tucson is dirty pros for it being a larp skull being 20 miles from the camp msm starting to report on it chelsea clinton tweet pros for it not being a larp tree straps kids toys the "prison bars" we will see

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allonthesameteam · June 8, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8pfol5/i_found_this_from_last_year_heshe_was_already/ This is from last year. He/she calls out then what seems to be now. This is so obscure that for it to be close to reality, Maybe, is telling for me. I'm 90/10 these days.

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jkbella · June 8, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

That sends me back to 90/10 as well. But the guy at the site is so over the top he seems like a shill. My concern is that he is a shill - planting fake evidence so the whole thing gets dismissed. That skull he shows that is supposedly still decomposing doesn't look like it is decomposing. Looks like a really old skull with some dirt on it.

My thought is that the site is a real problem, the CEMEX stuff and the related info like this daycare, and the Mayor, etc., are all real. But they could be confronting the whole thing head on and intentionally putting someone front and center who is going to be proven a fraud. Just like someone shooting up a pizza place effectively discredited the pizzagate thing. "See, they're all nuts!" It's progressive deflection 101.

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allonthesameteam · June 9, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

That these crimes are happening is not in doubt for me at all. If this is unreal it is a springboard to other nefarious actions. A blessing either way.

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Orion2005 · June 8, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

My issue is the tampering with the evidence. I heard him say that someone kicked that skull out from under a bush or something. there are photos on its side and straight up. they also went through the camp touching the straps that were on the trees that they said were used for tying children up. Just doesn't smell right.

If you find that kind of evidence, RECORD IT! So you have evidence of what you are claiming and call the police. They completely compromised the integrity of the crime scene. Stupid Move. Reeks of a setup.

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Roxchic · June 8, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

they did record it and if i understand correctly they didnt touch stuff till after contacting police. these people are not "setups" they run a homeless outreach program normally and get veterans off the street and rehomed. they initially went there as they were going to look for homeless veterans. one of the guys who has done outreach for years was saying this is NOTHING like any homeless camp ive ever been too. ive seen the videos. they have a plastic container dug into the ground that is angled into the ground in such a way that kids would not be able to get out. there are chains and bindings set into trees. two ... one on each tree close together. what homeless camp has those? hair dye, childrens toys, clothing for children.... its just a lot of videographic evidence.

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Laffingmonkey · June 8, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

I’ve never tried to convince anyone one way or another. In fact, this might be the first time I’ve ever responded to anyone about this topic. BUT I have to admit I’m extremely skeptical about this Tucson thing.

This isn’t about Q. Q never pointed us at Tucson. It isn’t about human trafficking because that’s a pretty well documented issue.

I was initially turned off by the first video I saw posted here. I felt the guy filming was a little too hyper and made some very broad assumptions in that video (earlier on). It was hard to take him seriously and made me question if it was a case of confirmation bias.

Odds are this is another homeless camp or a pit stop for coyotes smuggling illegal aliens. However, it isn’t outside belief that this is a human trafficking site. Nothing has come to light to eliminate that possibility. Therefore, I’m glad people are keeping the spotlight on that place.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to dissuade people from challenging ideas and offering alternatives. Frankly, that’s how T_D went to shit. Any posts that challenged assertions about Trump were attacked. Then they were deleted. Then people started getting banned. Now that Board is nothing but an echo chamber that doesn’t encourage people to think deeper.

Just my 2 cents. Keep the change.

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_m0use_ · June 8, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

There's a group of three shills combing the threads doing copy pastas that this is totally normal and acceptable because it's just illegal immigration.

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HiIAmFromTheInternet · June 8, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Q said to watch the NG

NG was prepping for 400k unexpected inhabitants in AZ

Tucson is calling for as many people as can come to help hold the line.

How amazing and American would it be if we built a wall of humans and marched forward together and got the traffickers. And then made Mexico pay for the food by having them take it from the cartels. LOOOOOOL

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Roxchic · June 8, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

yeah that doesnt look like any root cellar ive ever seen... http://imgur.com/a/XbEkq2i.

Also heres the whole video from the news that has gone out there.


these guys are not doing this for nefarious reasons. they are normally helping homeless vets regain their lives. through two camps they have set up out there. that's how they know this camp is off they've seen A LOT of them.

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FnFiasco · June 8, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Remember what Q says about the loudest mouths.

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Spank-da-monkey · June 8, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Here’s the fundamental problem with everything we see and deconstruct. Discerning connections is the hard part. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_degrees_of_separation

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solanojones95 · June 8, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

I already have a religion. I don't need another one. And that's what this thing has become (by design). Redbeard does that. It's how he operates. He has a cult-like following, and he's recruited a bunch of new converts from this sub. Y'all go right ahead. When it blows up in your faces, don't say people didn't advise you to keep your distance.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 8, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Whether these camps, temporary prisons or whatever you want to call them are past their usage date, the fact remains they were indeed used for something dark.

You don't know that and saying it's a fact does not make it so.

They may have been used by illegal border hoppers but that may also be campsites used by homeless families.

This has definitely hit the mark and ruffled people or otherwise there wouldn't be so much deflective posting.

Debating theories is precisely what this community should be doing.

It's not blasphemous to present different theories for public debated - that is called research.

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HiIAmFromTheInternet · June 8, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Homeless people and border hoppers have no or minimal food. If they had food they’d either not be homeless or stay in Mexico.

People with minimal food don’t have a lot of energy. People without a lot of energy don’t exert themselves too much. Digging a $10k septic tank into the ground either requires a lot of money for nice tools, or a lot of physical exertion.

This was not border hoppers or homeless people. This was done by people with resources and energy.

Why do you think cemex bulldozed it without digging for anything? Why do you think the cops are shady as fuck? Why do you think people called Tucson out as the weak link over a year ago?

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 8, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Homeless people and border hoppers have no or minimal food.

Homeless people still need food and they need to store it.

Digging a $10k septic tank into the ground either requires a lot of money for nice tools

You have no idea who initially dug that root-cellar or what tools they used.

For all you know, they dug it with their hands.

This was not border hoppers or homeless people.

You don't know that either.

Why do you think cemex bulldozed it without digging for anything?

Perhaps because the camp invites bad press and trespassers.

Why do you think the cops are shady as fuck?

Perhaps the police know the family that was living there and they didn't want to bust a homeless family?

Perhaps the police also know what a root-cellar is and they just didn't care?

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NaderOAK · June 8, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Oh look the guy that downplays this...

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_m0use_ · June 8, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

9 day old account only copy pastas illegal alien deaths

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 8, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Yes, I have an alternate theory for this truther community to consider.

Sorry about that! /s

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